
Friday, September 28, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Barbra Streisand, on the newest remake of A Star is Born:

“I haven’t seen the full cut, but it’s very good.Every time that film is made it’s a success. I loved Judy Garland‘s version, I like this one a lot, and I liked mine!”

Judy’s was a masterpiece.
But the Gaga one looks interesting.
Mitch McConnell, pandering to the Bigot Base who don’t care about women being sexually assaulted as long as Roe v Wade is overturned:

“You’ve watched the fight, you’ve watched the tactics. But here is what I want to tell you, in the very near future Judge Kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court.”

And you’ll be going to Hell.
Seth Meyers, on the Rod Rosenstein mess:

“We’re on the brink of constitutional crisis because nobody could tell if Rod was joking or not! Can I just make a suggestion to all civil servants in our justice system? Don’t make jokes. Jokes are broken now. We made so many jokes about how hilarious it would be if Donald _____ was president that it came true.”

And the jokes on us … for now.
Michele Bachmann, blaming _____ on God:

“Two years ago, I believe that the prayers that God’s people made to ask God for his provision were heard. They were heard and granted and for two years, we have lived in an unparalleled golden time in the United States. We have a president who has made the most pro-life actions of any president ever. We have a president who has been the most pro-Israel president ever in the history of the United States of America. Our president has put the United States on a pathway of blessing. We have the most pro-religious liberty president in the history of the United States, ever! Do you see what a golden day that we have been given? On every possible level, America is killing it. We are doing great in every possible metric, and I believe that’s because God’s people utilized the tool that he gave us.”

She's right about one thing: _____ is a tool.
Judi Dench, on sexual predator Kevin Spacey being cut out of, and replaced by Christopher Plummer, in All The Money In The World:

“I can’t approve, in any way, of the fact that—whatever he has done—that you then start to cut him out of the films. Are we to do what happened when he was replaced with Christopher Plummer? Are we to do that throughout history? Are we to go back throughout history and anyone who has misbehaved in any way, or who has broken the law, or who has committed some kind of offense, are they always going to be cut out? Are we going to extrude them from our history? I don’t know.”

I don’t think the idea is to cut him out of everything he’s ever done. I think this was a new film, about to come out, and the scandal might have hurt it.
We all have a choice to watch, or not watch, old Kevin Spacey films, or to simply cut those films from our watch list.
Nikki Haley, United States UN Ambassador, lying when she says the world leaders at the UN weren’t laughing at _____, they were laughing with him:

“The media has got this so wrong. I deal with these leaders every single day. I know exactly how they think. Do they love America? No. Do they respect America? Now they do. When he said that, they love how honest he is. And it’s not diplomatic. And they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken aback by it. All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them. And they have never seen like it. And so there’s a respect there. I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was. They love to be with him. That’s the only time you will see that entire chamber standing room only.”

First off, Nikki, you pandering ass, let’s remember that in 2016 you supported anyone but _____ for president because you thought him unqualified. Then he won and offered you a job, so you took residence in his ass and now lie for him, and with him, daily.
They were laughing at him; he knows it; you know it.
And lotsa folks wanna take a selfie with the biggest clown in the room.
Siddown, fool.
Jeff Flake, Arizona GOP Senator, saying Kavanaugh’s accusers deserve an apology:

“These people are not props for us to make our political points. I do not believe that a claim of sexual assault is invalid because a 15-year-old girl didn’t promptly report the assault to the authorities, as the president of the United States said. How uninformed and uncaring do you have to be to say things like that?”

And yet, Jeff, while you try to score points as the anti-_____ you rarely take an actual stand.
Words are nice; actions have more meaning.
Vote No on Kavanaugh.
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GOP Senator and professional ______ ass kisser, saying nothing Christine Blasey Ford could say would sway him from voting for Brett Kavanaugh:

“I want to listen to her, but I’m being honest with you and everybody else. What do you expect me to do? You can’t bring it in a criminal court, you would never sue civilly, you couldn’t even get a warrant. What am I supposed to do? Go ahead and ruin this guy’s life based on an accusation? I don’t know when it happened, I don’t know where it happened, and everybody named in regard to being there said it didn’t happen. Unless there’s something more, no I’m not going to ruin Judge Kavanaugh’s life over this. But she should come forward, she should have her say, she will be respectfully treated.”

Graham says the events that took place 36 years ago were outside the statute of limitations and therefore irrelevant except Maryland, where the alleged events took place, has no statute of limitations on felony sexual assault, so f**k off Miss Lindsey.
Would you feel differently if it was your sister who said Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her? I doubt it because you’re a pig who’s ignored decency, so you can apply your lips to _____’s ample ass.
Seth Meyers, again, on Brett Kavanaugh’s denial that he sexually assaulted any women:

“It does not matter if you were a virgin. You are being accused of sexual assault, not sexual intercourse. Those things have nothing to do with each other. It’s the same as saying, ‘I couldn’t have robbed that bank. I’m a virgin.’ Devoting yourself to celibacy doesn’t mean you can’t be a sexual assaulter. Just ask thousands of priests. [And] just because you’re friends with one woman, doesn’t mean you haven’t been awful to another. That’s like saying you’re a vegetarian because you didn’t eat your dog.”



  1. It has been a wild couple of days.

  2. Maybe the assault didn't happen the way Professor Ford aid it did and maybe it didn't happen the way that Judge Kavanaugh said it did, but it seems as though we are never going to know the truth because over the hill Ghastly Grassley and his sidekicks Graham and Hatch are too busy sticking the knife in to anyone who dare disputes that their lovely golden-haired boy should sit on SCOTUS. Bring on the FBI!

  3. I've never seen any A Star is Born movie. Not planning on seeing this one either. Too sudsy for my twelve year old boy taste. I only see Barbra Streisand in her movies and not her characters.

    Doesn't Nikki Haggy look a lot like a dyed Celine Dion?

    Seth Meyers makes a lot of sense, but, who listens to logic these days?

    I'm tired.


  5. That was a nice thing for Barbra to say.

    You're right about Flake, who talks big but walks small.

    You do know that Lindsey, and Mitch, and, well every Republican in Washington is shitting in their pants right now. Christine was more than credible, and Brett threw a temper tantrum and millions of American women are now planning to vote them out of office.

    So, when Nikki answered that question, was she standing in front of her very expensive drapes?

    The stupidity of Michele is beyond words.


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