
Thursday, September 27, 2018


Today is my Mother's birthday. She would have been 81 if...........
I remember many things about my Mom.
The Mom who baked things for school.
The Mom who made the best Clam Chowder on rainy winter days.
The Mom who painted.
The Mom who laughed.
The Mom who loved you no matter what.
The Mom who, as soon as Carlos and I moved in together, would introduce him as her son-in-law.
The Mom who was married to my Dad for over 50 years.
The Mom who was a Nurse.
The Mom who loved to travel.
The Mom who taught me to love books.
I love my Mom.
I miss my Mom.
So, y’all know Carlos plays trumpet in our local community band …and if you don’t know, where the hell have you been??!! At any rate, the other night, while he was at rehearsal, he called to let me know he had a ride home, and then said:
“You’ll never guess what happened at rehearsal! Something bad.”
“You farted during a lull in the score?”
“You crapped your pants because you blew the trumpet too hard?”
“Oh my god, you sang? Please tell me you didn’t sing.”
“NOOOOOO!!! Worse than that!
“You.Danced. Dear god, you danced? Honey. You can’t dance!”
“I have no idea ….”
“A snake came in the room ...”
“Oh, so you screamed like a girl and jumped onto your chair, farted, crapped your pants, sang for help and them danced out the door?”
“I don’t like you.”
But he does.
This week ______ spoke at the UN and was high-larious. Seriously, the UN erupted in laughter when Hair Furor claimed his administration is the most successful administration in history. The UN laughed; the world laughed in his face. And he said:
"I didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."
But, as he does, he is now spinning it that he meant the statement as a joke and wanted them to laugh:
Well, that was meant to get some laughter."
He says they were laughing with him, but they, and the rest of the world, were laughing at him. Asshat.
In Good News, this week the New York Yankees, under pressure for being the Major League team without an LGBTQ pride night, made a commitment to the LGBTQ community by creating a scholarship to honor the gay rights movement at Stonewall 50 years ago.

The Yankees-Stonewall Scholars Initiative will honor New York City graduates from the public-school system in all five boroughs and five $10,000 scholarships will be given out.

Good on them.

PS Next season the Yankees will have a Pride night.

The march goes on!
In Pig news, and, no, it’s not about Kavanaugh … Jason Miller, a former aide to _____, announced that he will leave his role as CNN political commentator following an accusation that he administered an “abortion pill” to a woman, without her knowledge or consent, he impregnated during an affair.

Miller said that the allegation is not true but, c’mon, his boss is a sexual predator and many of the people on his staff and his nominees for high positions in government are sexual predators, so is it such a stretch to think Miller would do something like this?

In my hometown of Sacramento, California this week local veterans took a knee to show solidarity with the athletes who have been kneeling during the national anthem to protest racism and police brutality at a city council meeting.

One veteran, John Rieger, from the Sacramento chapter of Veterans For Peace, said:
"We've served our country, we didn't serve it to support racism, we didn't serve it to support police brutality, these are things that are un-American."
I say Bravo. And thank you for your service, and your continued service to making this country less hate-filled.
And perhaps this is why they kneel, too … Jamal Speaks plays football for Ballou High School until he was removed for residency issues.

Yes, Jamal Speaks is currently homeless; his father is deceased, and his mother is no longer present in his life. And he is fighting to stay on the team after Principal Willie Jackson blocked him from playing during a game because he’s homeless and cannot prove residency.

Speaks was set to participate in a game between Ballou and Anacostia High School, but Jackson stopped him from playing and even threatened to the team’s coach Minoso Rodgers if he allowed the teen to play. His teammates stalled the game by 45 minutes and petitioned the principal’s decision but Speaks was unfortunately benched.

Even worse? Football recruiters from Temple University were at that game to watch Speaks play, but the student was forbidden to do so.
Jackson claimed he prevented Speaks from playing because the District of Columbia Interscholastic Athletic Association [DCIAA] ruled Speaks ineligible in August.
“I worked so hard on and off the field. Have a good GPA, work in the classroom and outside of school. … I’m homeless, so me just trying to stay in the area to get back and forth from school, it’s already tough.”—Jamal Speaks
District of Columbia Public Schools officials said they’re working with the District of Columbia State Athletic Association to resolve the incident. In the meantime, a fine athlete, and a good student, may miss the opportunity to go to college because he’s homeless.

Ain’t that America?
A vandal attempted to deface the sign in front of the Allendale United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, but the congregation got the last word.

Church employees arrived to work on Monday to find someone had spray-painted the words “gay pastor” in large, black letters on the church’s roadside sign. The Reverend Andy Oliver, the church’s pastor said:
“Of course we were disappointed that someone chose to do that, but we saw this as an opportunity to turn what was intended to be hateful words into something beautiful. We decided to leave the spray paint up, because we wanted to surround it with love.”
And so, instead of removing the graffiti, the congregation surrounded it with colorful hearts and the phrase “Love Always Wins!”

Cuz it does.
Nordstrom is the latest Bad Taste Winner, after selling a $530 pair of sneakers which are artfully scuffed and look like they’re being held together with a piece of tape. 

Shoppers are “outraged” that the retailer is apparently glamorizing poverty and they aren’t the only retailer doing so; the shoes, an Italian brand, Golden Goose Deluxe Brand, are also sold at Barneys and Bergdorf Goodman.

Shoes designed to make you look poor but cost more than a car payment.

That’s where we’re headed?
The Indiana chapter of The Satanic Temple was accepted into the state’s Adopt-a-Highway program two months ago, having since—much to the distress of locals—completed two clean-up events for their town’s roads. But not everyone is happy … like Jill Konija, whose property is directly next to one of the Zionsville Adopt-a-Highway signs reading “Satanic Temple Indiana Chapter.”
“It’s like advertising a satanic church in front of our home. We raised our sons here.”—Jill Konija
Damien Blackmoor, the head of the Satanic Temple Indiana Chapter, said that the group would be doing the acts of altruism regardless of whether or not they got a sign:
“We would do it even without the sign. It’s not about the attention, it’s about doing something good, and we like to show people that we’re doing that good.”
Who knew Satanists were into beautification?
In Great News …this week Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall fired Officer Amber Guyger, three weeks after Guyger shot and killed Botham Jean in his apartment after mistaking it for her own.

Good.Bye. Now, howsabout some prison time?
And speaking of prison time ... serial sexual predator Bill Cosby was taken away in cuffs this week after being sentenced 3-10 years for being a perv.

His ambulance chasers are set to appeal, but Bill will have to register as a sexual predator for the rest of his days.

Good. Now, if we could just get Kavanaugh behind bars.
I was bored one night and watched a movie …which clearly had a budget of about ten dollars and a case of Bud Light … called The Other Side. It was boring and dumb and oh so predictable but, shallow me, it also starred one Brad James; smoking hot.

I also caught the reboot of Flatliners …what the hell was Ellen Page doing in it …and spotted Hot Ginger James Norton. I’m trying to come up with some double entendre about he and I flatlining but it escapes me just now.

Lastly, a good film, Rebel in the Rye, about the life of JD Salinger. Very interesting life he lived, before writing Catcher in the Rye. And Nicholas Hoult, who played JD is quite the stunner, though having him play Salinger as a college student all the way through being an older man seemed a bit odd because I didn’t buy him as older JD. Still, he was easy on the eyes …

Just sayin’.


  1. I made sure to finish my coffee this week!!!!! You and c arlos are something!!!! I never thought of him blowing too hard!!!!!!!

    Gullible people will buy anything.

    Trump is so thick..its annoying

    Love the ole to your mother

  2. Touching tribute to your Mom.

    Willie Jackson needs to be replaced.

    Maybe Joan Konija should have made the effort to clean up the road... that way her name could be on the sign, of course, if she was too lazy, or didn't really care... well, this is how life works.

    Aye, that Nicky Hoult cleans up well, don't he?

  3. (Editing out a link that didn't work)

    wow! Where to begin.
    Of course with ((Carlos)) - I totally
    understand the reaction to the SNAKE!

    Jamal Speaks - the school district has
    it ALL WRONG! We should go above and beyond
    to help homeless students. His future and
    opportunities are absolutely way more important
    than a football game.
    Went to to see if there is any
    update. Look for the good people. GoFundMe
    account and the offer of a place to live.

  4. Well, Bless Your Heart....recognition for James Norton! Been a fan of his since I first clapped eyeballs on him in "Happy Valley". Follow that up with "Grantchester" and you can see what a well-rounded actor is truly pun intended 😍

  5. @Robb I knew I'd seen him somewhere and after a little Googling, also no pun intended, I realized I had seem him in Grantchester!

  6. your mom raised a good son.
    carlos - one of these days, carlos is gonna git ya back!
    the dump DESERVES to be derided.
    the yankees DID NOT have a pride night? WTF????? asshats!
    EVERY GOPrick is a SEXIST PIG!
    Jill Konija - STFU, bitch!
    Amber Guyger - stupid bitch!
    Bill Cosby - got what he deserved! his prison is about 10 miles from my house.

  7. So. . .if they were laughing "With" him, then is he saying he was joking when he said that his administration had accomplished so much?

  8. If ytou want to be cured of your crush on James Norton, watch Happy Valley on Netflix. He's great in it, but he plays a despicable loathsome criminal. Also he plays a priest in Grantchester, I don't know if that would help or hurt.

  9. Very touching tribute to your mother.

  10. @John
    Thanks. She was something!

  11. Beautiful tribute to your mother. I think I’m in love.

    Carlos is a saint.

    Yeah, ______ is the talk of the town here... and not in a good way.


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