
Monday, December 18, 2017

The Word Police Are Coming ... Are The Thought Police Far Behind?

The _____ administration is prohibiting officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], the nation’s top public health agency, from using the following seven words or phrases in official documents being prepared for next year’s budget:
Policy analysts at the CDC were told of the list of forbidden terms by the _____ administration’s Word Police … well, maybe not Word Police, yet … at a meeting with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget.

Thankfully, they were given “alternative facts”, er, “words” that they can use, such as, in the case of “science-based” or ­ “evidence-based” they can use this phrase:
“CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes.”
Clearly, Mama Grizzle Bore™ tossed that word salad.

But it brings about the question of how does the CDC discuss things like sexual orientation, gender identity and abortion rights without using words like “transgender” and “fetus”.

And this isn’t the first time that the _____ team has decided that certain words cannot be used, or certain questions asked.

In March, Health and Human Services, [HHS] dropped questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in two surveys of elderly people, and removed information about LGBT Americans from its website. HHS’s department’s Administration for Children and Families, actually archived a page that outlined federal services available for LGBT people and their families, including how they can adopt and receive help if they are the victims of sex trafficking.

You know, cuz The Gays and children.

So, The Gays have been scrubbed from the government and now the Fat Bastard wants certain words banned. How long before he wants to ban thoughts?

If you don’t think that could happen, look back at Nazi Germany, because it happened there and it’s starting here. And so, to that end ….

Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based … Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-based, Science-based …

And so on.


  1. I wonder what would happen if the C.D.C. threw caution to the wind and used these words anyway? Or, maybe they can slip in a few unbanned vulgarities as substitute words.

    Of course ___ will try to police thoughts. The have-nots are jealous of the well endowed.


  3. Close-minded people are the worst, basically!

  4. Mueller better hurry or the Fat Bastard police will soon be rounding up people that aren't white enough to be American.

  5. Once again, I am stunned!

  6. Now, you have to remember that the Idiot Jerk in the White House is going to hose everything the Social Conservatives want him to hose...mainly because they're lined up asshole to elbow just to bow down to him.

  7. You'll know you are in real trouble when people like Kamala Harris and John Lewis are removed from Congress for being the wrong colour....then it will be Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for having the wrong surnames and so the rooting out of those who are not one of us will go, in ever-decreasing circles . The Thought Police in Germany were called the Gestapo; just make sure that they don't set up house in the US!


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