
Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Funny Papers

Ed Hall, Tim Campbell, Clay Bennett, Patrick Chappatte, Steve Benson, David Horsey, Steve Sack, Mike Luckovich, Andy Marlette, Adam Zyglis


  1. I would LOVE to see the WH surrounded by women AND men with torches & pitchforks!

    wayne & the turtle - a perfect couple!

    and black votes matter made the difference in AL!

  2. This sexual assault has been approved by the GOP. I think they dodged that reputation of being predators and hypocrites...oh, but let's needle them about it anyway.

  3. You need to fine a Global Warming themed cartoon showing an ever shrinking island of conservatives surrounded by a growing sea of Centrists and Liberals.

  4. I wonder if the subjects of such ridicule ever see the cartoons about them. You would think they'd be embarrassed by how they are viewed by the majority of Americans.

  5. After spending half the night trying to figure out which end to point at the toilet (don't ask), my stomach can't handle most of these.

  6. I like the Public Notice one best. :-)

  7. What a week. Like the dog's mother, above, I like the public notice one best... Seriously, it ought to be required in front of the White House for the next 3 years.

  8. @Frank
    I don't think the subjects of these cartoons "get" how most Americans see them; they're too busy cashing Koch checks to care.


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