
Monday, March 24, 2014

WTF? Kim Kardastrophe! Again!!!

Looky here! Kim Kardastrophe has made the cut again!
So, what's wrong with this look? Where oh where to begin ...

First off, if she keeps jacking up her face she's going to turn into a bio-hazard.
Secondly, her fake boobs are so high up on her than they're almost resembling chins.
Thirdly, her fake boobs are so big and saggy that they're pulling down the down the dress.
Fourthly ... fourthly? .... she is so short that in this ball gown she looks almost like a normal sized person on their knees ... not an all-too-out-of-the-ordinary stance for this particular Kardastrophe.

Note to Kim:
Get the boobs and bust-line fixed; lay off the chemical injections; wear a dress that fits right and doesn't make you look like you belong on a high shelf in a Cheesy Dolls'r'Us store.


  1. That has to hurt. Never understood that version of cleavage.

  2. cover up, whore. have you no sense of decency?

  3. The problem is that when you become hooked on fame you'll do anything to keep it - ANYTHING

  4. Totally agree. She REALLY needs to cool it on the Botox and lip injections. She's looking like a Barbie Doll looks when you squeeze her face. The boobs? She's GOT to stop showing them!! ENOUGH. I can't stand it.

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    actually, i think the boobs (disaster that they are) are real...the face, not so much.


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