
Monday, March 24, 2014

Who Do I Hafta F**k To Get A Decent Senator For South Carolina? Part Two: Lose Lindsey

When people think, and say that politicians have no moral code by which they live, they need look no further than South Carolina’s own, the so-not-gay, or so he says, Lindsey Graham.

There aren’t many politicians who whore themselves out for cash as much as Graham — to the NRA, for example, who he kowtows to almost constantly — and then instantly turn around and do the bidding of those big donors.

And, well, I imagine Lindsey loves a big … donor.

See, Graham has announced that he will propose legislation, federal legislation, to ban internet gambling and, oddly enough, his proposal is an exact copy of what one of his major backers, billionaire casino owner, Sheldon Adelson, and his Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling, want to do.

Oh yeah, and Graham's new proposal comes on the heels of the major fundraiser that Adelson and his wife threw from the Graham campaign.

Prior to Adelson’s big donation, Graham had never made gaming a major policy priority, though he oppose a bill in 2010 to legalize internet poker. But suddenly he’s all about banning all internet gambling, nationwide, which will no doubt throw more coins into the pockets of Adelson so he can buy another Senator when he has another pet project.

And if you didn’t think Graham would sell his office, and his legislation to the highest bidder, know that, prior to 2013 the only significant contribution Graham received from the Adelsons was a $2,300 donation in 2008.

Then, all of the sudden, in May 2013, Sheldon and Miriam each gave $7,800 to the Graham campaign — they were refunded $2,600 because the total exceeded federal limits, but weeks earlier, the Adelsons gave even more help to Lindsay’s campaign when the Las Vegas Sands PAC — the Sands Hotel in Vegas is, surprise, owned by Adelson — gave a $5,000 contribution to Graham.

And in April, the Adelsons hosted a high-dollar fundraiser for Graham at their Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. And although the Adelsons hosted both Graham and “special guest” Senator John McCain, all of the proceeds from the $1,000-a-head event went into Lindsay’s coffers.

That’s Lindsey Graham, selling legislation to the highest bidder.

All of this makes me think that if I raised enough money for his campaign and told him he could have it only if he gave John Travolta a blow job on the Capitol steps, he’d probably do it.


  1. Bob,
    The first word that came to my mind when I saw the picture of Graham on your posting was "whore." Same as John "Build the dang fence" McCain. Both have the same priority, themselves and staying in power. It's all about them and their personal power. The money backers know that. It is a Faustian deal.


  2. There's a song from "Wicked" that comes to mind whenever I read about Lindsey Graham... or Sheldon Adelson (who I was gratified to see fail at his bed to open a mega-casino in Spain)... The song is "Loathing."

  3. @Mitchell
    I love that song, and now I'll think of it, too, whenever i see Miss Lindsey's name.

  4. I'd pay good money to see THAT blow job!


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