
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Louie Gohmert Is A Complete Moron

Arithmetic is one of those basic things we learn as children, and think we’ll never use again, though it pops into our lives every single day.

1 + 1 = 2. 

See how easy that is? But, sadly, it’s not so easy for Texas Republican, and featured I Should Be Laughing Asshat, Louie Gohmert. His basic arithmetic skills go something like this:

1 + 1 = The Gays Destroying The World.

See, in Louie’s world everything adds up to being caused by The Gays; everything bad, that is. Louie was the guest caller for Rick Scarborough—a vociferously anti-gay loon—and the promotion of his new endeavor called, ahem, Tea Party Unity, and Louie said this when asked about his opposition to any gun control legislation:
“In fact, I had this discussion with some wonderful, caring Democrats earlier this week on the issue of, well, they said "surely you could agree to limit the number of rounds in a magazine, couldn't you? How would that be problematic?
And I pointed out, well, once you make it ten, then why would you draw the line at ten? What's wrong with nine? Or eleven? And the problem is once you draw that limit ; it's kind of like marriage when you say it's not a man and a woman any more, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not somebody has a love for an animal?
There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage and it's the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it's just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal.”
Guns + Gun Control Legislation = Gays Having Sex With Animals + Polygamy. 

Of course, that wasn’t all the moronic delicacies that spewed forth from Louie’s uneducated, bigoted, intolerant pie-hole, he also said this about Christians needing to be more politically active:
“You need to educate yourselves on the issues. You need to understand that when there is a law being pushed, as it has for several years, that says that religious institutions should not be exempt from discrimination laws, that it is going to devastate the church, the synagogue, the places of worship that hire people because ultimately they're saying you have to hire whatever Satan-worshiper, whatever cross-dresser you think might be immoral, that's against your religious belief.  You are going to be forced to abandon your religious beliefs, and we've been seeing that with some of the requirements under Obamacare.”
Christians + Political Activism = Keeping Cross-dressing Satanists Out of Churches ÷ Obamacare.

This is the New GOP, the rebranded GOP, the GOP that connects everything that they don’t like back to same-sex marriage., and tries to fear Christians into goose-stepping along.

Congress - Louie Gohmert = A Good Thing.

Math is fun!

Louie Gohmert's ISBL appearances: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE


  1. Ah, yes. He is a member of The Church of Post Hoc Ergo Promptor Hoc - Therefore, because of this.

  2. We only need to read this quote to know that this guy is shooting marbles without anything in his hands:

    “You need to educate yourselves on the issues. You need to understand that when there is a law being pushed, as it has for several years, that says that religious institutions should not be exempt from discrimination laws, that it is going to devastate the church, the synagogue, the places of worship that hire people because ultimately they're saying you have to hire whatever Satan-worshiper, whatever cross-dresser you think might be immoral, that's against your religious belief. You are going to be forced to abandon your religious beliefs, and we've been seeing that with some of the requirements under Obamacare.”

  3. WTeverlovinF?

    probably in his mind, I like shopping and shoes and kids because I am a girl. NOTHING can be farther from the truth about me regarding shopping/shoes/kids - I hate 'em all!

    these tea-party asshats don't use logic or fact; they spew h8 out their assholes disguised as mouths!

  4. I like real life situations to tutor math but this one takes the cake!

  5. The really scary thing about someone like Louis Gohmert is the people who actually elect an ignorant, homophobic, racist morons like him to Congress. Gohmert and cretins like him live in such a bubble that they actually believe the shit they spout. I hate to use the Nazi reference, but if people like Gohmert got into power, that's what we would have in this country. Thank God they're relegated to the "I can't believe he said that" margins of fringe lunacy.

  6. Great post.

    I get truly frightened when I remember that these asshats have been elected by other asshats to be their asshat leaders. They're the best of the asshats. Yes ... truly frightened.

  7. So that's all it takes to devastate churches is to force them to hire cross dressing satan worshipers? Damn that was easy! Who wants to volunteer?

  8. dallastxmatt9:47 PM

    The man is seriously rockin' the gay face!

  9. Anonymous2:17 AM

    This guy is so comically stupid he deserves his own show on MSNBC. We could have something to laugh at on Friday nights instead of watching the same episode of Lockup over and over again.


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