
Thursday, September 06, 2012

That's Our Nikki: GOP Lap Dog In Its War on Women

Nikki Haley, our own little Tea Baggin', Republican Guv'nah of South Carolina is just the most darling thing. She's become the GOP's favorite pet as they try to prove they aren't anti-woman by having a woman do their bidding for them. And Nikki likes to say that the GOP loves woman, it's just that, well, woman need more supervision in making choices for their own lives.
And white men need to do the supervising.
But she toes that Republican line, making life harder for women to have access to choice, and not just in abortion, but in health care, and services related to women's issues, like:
  • Earlier this year, Nikki vetoed all funding for the state’s fifteen rape crisis centers, calling them “special interests.”Her veto was subsequently unanimously overridden in the State House, by a margin of 111-ZipZeroNada, and by a margin of 39-2, in the South Carolina Senate. [source]
  • Also this year, while appearing on The View, Guv'nah Nikki dismissed the idea that American women care about birth control: “Women don’t care about contraception. They care about jobs and the economy and raising their families and all of those things…The media wants to talk about contraception.” [source]
  • This year Nikki Haley reversed her previous position on HPV vaccinations by vetoing legislation to provide parents of girls with information about the disease and its prevention, as well as free vaccinations upon parental request. [source]
  • Last year, Nikki Haley called Post and Courier reporter Renee Dudley “that little girl” on Laura Ingraham’s national radio program, after Dudley revealed details of Haley’s lavish spending on a taxpayer-financed trip to Paris. The Post and Courier’s Melanie Balog replied: “No working professional should ever demean another working professional like that. Let alone in public. Let alone on broadcast radio. And especially, certainly, absolutely not the state’s first female governor talking about another woman.” [source]
  • Also, back in 2011, Nikki replaced one of South Carolina’s leading businesswomen, Darla Moore, on the University of South Carolina Board of Trustees with a man who contributed to her campaign. In addition to being one of USC’s most distinguished graduates, Ms. Moore has donated more than $70 million to the university since 1998. Today, only three of the Board’s twenty-two members are female, including ex-officio Chair Nikki Haley. [source]
  • As a state representative in 2010, Nikki Haley sponsored “personhood” legislation that would have outlawed all abortions, as well as in vitro fertilization treatments and hormonal birth control. [source]
  • And in 2007, Representative Haley voted to require women to undergo a forced ultrasound twenty-four hours before terminating a pregnancy. [source]

So, you see, it isn't just the Todd Akins and legitimate rapes, or the Paul Ryans and the forcible rapes, of the GOP who think woman need extra supervision when making their own medical condition. Sometimes the GOP is lucky to have a Lady Lap Dog do their bidding for them.
Butt that's our Nikki, for now, but she'll be the nation's problem when she tries to run for national office.


  1. Abby regrets she is too big to be a lap dog but she is ready to jump into the trenches for war - she growls really good.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM


  3. I like her because she is just a little slutty...


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