
Thursday, September 06, 2012

Romney Gets No Bounce From Last Week's GOP Convention

It's inevitable that when you get a lot of focus....All eyes on me!....that you become, for a time at least, more popular. I mean, you're the Next big Thing, the It Girl, or, in this case, the It Mitt.

See, last week the GOPers got together and held their little convention thingy down in Tampa, and lotsa folks raved about Mittsy; well, actually, that was just his wife who tried, and failed, to make Mittsy seem like an Everyman and their family seem average. Most speakers at the convention raved about themselves, setting up a possible run at the White House in 2016...I'm looking at you, Chris Christie. And some folks spent a lot of time insinuating things that weren't true...And now we focus on you, Lyin' Paul Ryan.

But a funny thing happened about Mittsy' turn in the spotlight last week: no one cared. According to a recent Gallup Poll, Mittsy got no real discernible bounce in the polls after last week's Republican National Convention. In fact, the 46% of registered voters who supported him in polls for August 31 through September 3 is roughly the same as the 47% who preferred him in August 24-27 tracking, four days preceding the convention.


In the past, presidential nominees have usually seen their support among registered voters rise about five-points following their party's convention. But Mittsy becomes one of three recent nominees--and the first Republican--who did not receive a convention bounce. He joins George McGovern, from 1972, and John Kerry, from 2004; and like Mittsy, McGovern and Kerry challenged incumbent presidents, with McGovern suffering a landslide defeat to Richard Nixon and Kerry losing a close election to George W. Bush.

So, this could mean two things: Americans don't give a rat's behind about politics--and that would be sad and stupid--or, what I think, Mittsy is like Mayo on White Bread. He’s not interesting, he doesn't speak well, and he can't get his message--a message with which I vehemently disagree--across.

Yet any way you slice it, while the race is still close, and everyone, EVERY-freaking-ONE, needs to get out and vote this time, it seems as if Mittsy will be struggling through the Fall, and maybe suffering a fall, come November.

via Gallup


  1. Hey, I bounced from watching Romney last week...
    12 rrtySoun

  2. The graph is interesting.
    (OOOoooo! Just saw the Foo Fighters on the stage - practicing? Must find schedule!)

  3. During Romney's acceptance speech was the first time I got a good look at Romney's eyes below his too low eyebrows. Now I know why he has too low eyebrows, those eyes....there is no "there" there.


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