
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Paul Ryan, Multi-Tasker; Running For Two Jobs At The Same Time

In the interests of fairness, I don't like Paul Ryan. I don't like his double-speak. I don’t like his way of qualifying rape as “forcible” and, well, whatever “unforcible” rape might be. I don't like his hang-dog, golly-gee eyes and I don't like the way he mangles the truth just to within a millimeter of lying, so he can't really be called a liar. Well, except by me and millions more Americans who don't like how he plays fast and loose with the facts.

Case in point, and I'll paraphrase because I'm too lazy to Google the exact quote, Ryan said, and keeps on saying, "Candidate Obama came to Janesville and promised to keep our auto-plant open ... a year later it was c lose and all my buddies are out of a job."

M'kay, but let's look at those three little dots there in the middle, because they say what Paul Ryan keeps forgetting  to say: "And then the plant closed before Obama was elected, in fact it closed before Obama even got the nomination, In fact, it closed under the Bush administration."

Lotsa words there in those three dots that Paul Ryan fails to mention because he wants to paint a picture of Obama as someone who doesn’t care about people. But those three little dots also prove that Paul Lyin' Ryan is your typical GOP politician who manhandles the truth just so, so that you can't really call it a lie. But I gotta give it to him, because, while he thinks he and Mittsy are da bomb when it comes to being the next leaders of our country, he's hedging his bets so come November he doesn't join his "buddies" on the unemployment line.

See, while Paul is running for Vice President of these here United States, he's also going to start running ads asking the people of Wisconsin to re-elect him for an eight term as their congressman. His ads for reelection to Congress will begin at the same time as a new wave Mittsy-fomercials begin airing in Wisconsin, so he's taking no chances, running two campaigns for two different jobs, and hoping against hope he gets at least one of them, but, um, wouldn't it be funny if the people of Wisconsin simply said, "No thanks, Paulie, take your special brand of lying by omission and get lost"?

Again, in the interests of fairness, Wisconsin law allows Paul Ryan to seek both offices simultaneously, but says he can only serve in one, so again, I wonder, “Wouldn’t it be high-larious if the people of Wisconsin…..”


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    It would be hilarious if Lyin' Ryan lost both elections. Then he can go back to mooching off his wife.

  2. Bob,

    Ryan has already lost what creditability that he had with his consistent lies. The Republicans think they can put a pretty face on the lies and we wouldn't notice. This face isn't so pretty anymore.


  3. is it even legal to run for both offices at the same time?

    talk about a ballsy SOB!

  4. He was a joke from the start


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