
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ann Romney Doesn't Care About Women Or The LGBT Community

You all know by now that I am in love with Michelle Obama. I like her husband, pretty much, too, but I just adore Missus O. I loved her speech at the DNC. It wasn't anti-Romney; it was more This is my/our life. And one thing I loved most about her speech was the simple inclusion of the LGBT community, when she talked about Obama's concern for people, no matter your age, your color, your ethnicity, or "who you love." It wasn't in your face, but it's loud and clear: Missus O--who after her DNC speech, spoke the next day at an LGBT event--is an ally for us.

Ann Romney? Not so much.

Now, to be clear, I cannot stand this woman. I loathe her "Let them eat cake" mentality, and her derogatory use of the term "you people." That says volumes about how Ann Romney thinks of herself--and those like her, you know, with pet horses and car elevator--and how she thinks of the rest of us.

But, um, what does Ann Romney think of the LGBT community? Does she have an opinion on marriage equality? Gay couples, or even gay singles, adopting children? Well, we'll never know because she refuses to discuss us, or any issue regarding us. Which, I guess, means I know exactly what Ann Romney thinks of me: I am not worthy of discussion.

Less than. Of course, we know that this is the typical GOP stance, so it really doesn't surprise me about Queen Ann. Last week, while stumping for her stump-of-a-husband in Iowa, Ann Romney gave an interview to a local channel to once again remind us how she and her husband are just like all of us regular folk; except we pay taxes and stuff, and don't fly horses across the pond to compete in the Olympics and stuff. So, let's take a look at Ann Romney during her talk with KWQC:
Anchor David Nelson"What is your message to voters?"
Ann Romney:  "My message, really was, ‘women, I hear your voices,' and the interesting thing about this economy, this tough economy that we're going through, is that women have been hit the hardest.  And I wanted to make sure that women of America knew that we have been across this country for the last year and a half and we are very aware of how tough it is for them. They are juggling so many things, and I think all of us know that women work harder than anyone and that they hold down jobs, they are raising the kids, they're trying to get food on the table and everything else and they're really being stretched and my message was really for women and it's saying ‘trust my husband, he does not fail he will not fail' and he is going to work harder than anyone to make sure that your economic prosperity and your future will be more sound with him."
I love how she compares herself to women who work hard, because, well, as the wife of a multi-millionaire, she does not work outside the home. Sure, she gave birth to five children, but did she not have help in her any one of her mansions with those boys? I mean, she must have because she also devoted a great deal of time to her pet horses. I don't think Ann Romney is the Everywoman. I don't think she’s even met her.
But then the interviewer had the audacity to ask a question that is important to the people, and the voters, of Iowa.
Anchor David Nelson"Here in Iowa, as you know, same-sex marriage is legal.  Do you believe a lesbian mother should be allowed to marry her partner?"
Ann Romney:  "You know, I'm not going to talk about the specific issues.  I'm going to let my husband speak on issues.  I'm here to really just talk about my husband and what kind of husband and father he is and, you know, those are hot-button issues that distract from what the real voting issue is going to be at this election.  That, it's going to be about the economy and jobs. And, frankly, the President said four years ago that if he doesn't turn this economy around he's going to be looking at a one-term presidency.  And I frankly believe that Mitt is the person that is so going to be focused on jobs and job creation and making sure that women's economic prosperity is more certain and by the way their children's future is because as we all know we're facing this debt crisis.  Sometime, somewhere, somehow someone's going to have to pay off these debts, and it's going to be our children.  And we have to, it's getting to be a desperate situation.  We will be looking at a Greece-like situation or a Spain situation if we don't address these issues very quickly."
Um, except Ann, in case you've forgotten already because you're thinking about what time you need to get back to your private jet, you just talked about the specific issue of the economy. So, you see, you do talk specifics,, but not specifically to the LGBT community.
Lesbians getting married. Nope, not gonna talk about it. Instead she segues into Obama and the economy. You know, she won’t talk about specific issues except the economy, specifically. And her husband specifically.
Anchor David Nelson: "Do you believe that employer-provided health insurance should be required to cover birth control?"
Ann Romney:  "Again, you're asking me questions that are not about what this election is going to be about.  This election is going to be about the economy and jobs."
So, the election isn't about health care--health insurance--and yet her husband keeps changing his stance on the issue like Ann Romney constantly changes her facial expressions from disgust to loathing of "you people."
The election is about the economy and jobs, Ann; and it's about war and the environment and LGBT rights and women's issues and health care and everything. Even "you people" can focus on more than one issue.

Anchor David Nelson "Well, a Pew Research poll shows those issues are very important to women, ranking them either "important" or "very important."
Ann Romney "You know, but I personally believe, and this is what I'm hearing from women all across the country that they are going to look for the guy that's going to pull them out of the weeds and get them job security and a brighter future for their children.  That's the message.
Listen, I've been across this country, I've been for a year-and-a-half on the campaign trail.  I've spoken with thousands of women and they are telling me, they're telling me a couple of things, one they say they're praying for me which is really wonderful, and then they're saying, ‘please help, please help.  We are so worried about our jobs.'
So really if you want to try to pull me off of the other messages it's not going to work because I know because I've been out there."

And when told that people are concerned about the issue of health care she still doesn't get it. Why do you suppose that is? Because it's never been a concern for her, even with her MS. It's never been a question of getting medical attention even if it means losing your house. It's never been a question of being denied medical attention because of a pre-existing condition.
And how nice that the people of this country are paring for Ann Romney's battle with MS because, if Romney gets into office, prayer is the only medical attention that will be available to "you people."
Anchor David Nelson"Well, I don't want to pull you off any message.  You just told a reporter who was questioning you in Cleveland that you want women to have a secure and stable future.  I asked you about marriage and whether lesbian mothers should be allowed to marry.  Isn't marriage a part of creating a stable future?"
Ann Romney"You know, again, I'm going to talk to you about the economy and about job creation and about how my husband is the right person for the right time.  This is going to be an election that is very important for women, and we are going to make sure that their economic prosperity is more certain under a President Romney."

The election is important for women, unless they want to make their own health care choices. It’s important for women if they're not Lesbian.

As I said, I loathe this woman. She is so out of touch, and so unconcerned about the LGBT community, or women’s health rights. All she wants is another house, a White one, to add to her menagerie.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Ann Romney = simply vapid

  2. HOW in hell can I (as a woman) identify with this bitch? I simply cannot.

    I have worked since I was 16, I have never driven a cadillac, my garage doesn't have an elevator, I don't have a show horse, I don't have children, I have never had servants to do my bidding, I have never lived in a mansion, I have never had a milti-million dollr income to piss away.

    fuck you, ann romney! you DON'T speak for me!

  3. Ann, just say it! You are not for equality in marriage. The round about answers are one of the worst aspects in politics.

  4. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Ann Romney would make a horrible First Lady. Can you imagine her and the word "graceful" in the same sentence?

  5. She knows damn well what she is doing. She exists to do her husband's bidding and will not utter a word unless Mitsy has "approved this message". She's obviously been forbidden to express her own views, that is, if she actually has her own views. And she sets herself up as a role model?

  6. 'Ask the Cool Cookie', above, has taken the wind out of my sails. I WAS going to say that if she'd been the wife of a British politician I'd have described her as a 'patronising, dimwitted c*nt'. But as she isn't, I won't.


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