
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Musings

So, former Vice President Dick Cheney had a heart transplant last week. He's had five.....FIVE.....heart attacks over the past 25 years and countless medical procedures to keep him going. 
I wonder if he got a Haliburton heart.
I wonder if he's still on the donor waiting list for a soul.
I wonder if he could have gotten a two-fer deal and gotten a brain with that heart.
I wonder if he got a compassionate heart.
I wonder when I'll stop this.

Funny Tweet:

The Drag Race.
Loving Sharon Needles to death. I love that she isn't a glamazon and there's some kind of edge to her.
Loved Chad Michaels and his take on debate and inaugural dress.
Loved Latrice Royale's lipsynch for your life. Grrrl knows how to brang it.
That's entertainment.
Oh yeah, and one more thing:
PhiPhi must go.
That joke about 'The Help' was all sorts of wrong. Mostly, because it wasn't funny.

Poor Newt.
He's running out of money so fast in his campaign that he's taken to charging folks $50 to have a photograph taken with him.
And now, two thirds of his staff has been axed, and he's lost his last two print reporters--from POLITICO and the Atlanta Journal Constitution--reporters on the trail. The Associated Press pulled its reporter after Tuesday's Illinois primary.
It's over Newt.
You're not gonna be president--and it's funny because he seriously thought he had a chance.
Go home, return to a normal life.
Cheat on your wife.

What is it with ABC's Once Upon A Time and their slew of hot actors in leather pants playing hot fairytale characters?
Don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining.
Last week, we met The Mad Hatter, whose real name we found out is Jefferson--as well as finding out how he went mad--and he was played by the dashing Sebastian Stan wearing just a hint of guyliner.
Hot guys. Leather pants. Capes. Houses in the woods.
Reminds me of my teen years.

Matt Sutter, a gay man living in Atlanta, says that after he and friends enjoyed karaoke at Gilbert’s, he stepped outside and saw a woman who had parked in the taxi stand area. He politely warned her that she might be towed if she left her car there.
Nice, right?
Until a Checker cabbie parked nearby walks up.
“He comes walking up and starts yelling at them,” Sutter says. “I told him I was on top of it and he said, ‘Fuck you faggot.’ I was dumbfounded to have someone call me that in front of two of these popular [gay] places.”
Sutter stood nose to nose with the cabbie until a security officer from another club intervened, He tried to get the driver to apologize to Sutter, but the cabbie refused.
Sutter called the cab company to complain.
And, Checker Cab, a family-owned company founded in 1947, took quick action.
President Rick Hewatt cancelled the driver’s contract with the company: "We called the driver in, he didn’t deny it and he had his own story that this individual had cussed him out and not acted appropriately. I told him that’s no excuse and I cancelled his lease. Very seldom do we have these sorts of problems. When we do, we take care of them.”
Bravo to Checker Cabs.

For someone who's been in the news business, and been news for his antics--chair tosses and empty vaults--Geraldo Rivera is still an asshat.
He actually blamed the killing of Trayvon Martin on his wearing a  hoodie.
And even Geraldo's own son thinks his dad is a moron.
But, you know, he works for FuxNews, so............
And, looky there, Geraldo Rivera. In.A.Hoodie.
I guess he's lucky no one nearby was carrying a gun.

Over there on MSNBC, Thomas Roberts planned a segment on that damaging NOM document dump with Truth Wins Out's Wayne Besen and NOM's Maggie Gallagher.
But, um, Mags failed to show, even though she confirmed an hour beforehand that she'd be there.
Roberts used an empty chair instead of Gallagher, and said, "This empty studio chair in Seattle was supposed to hold Maggie Gallagher...although she is missing in action...I would say 'hi Maggie', but you're not there!"
Roberts went on to discuss the documents with Besen and the race-baiting done by NOM and Mags wasn't around to try and spin it, you know, that The Gays are responsible for their hate.
UPDATE: It wasn't that Mags didn't show. She went to the wrong studio. Yes, stupid is as stupid does.

The Weinstein Company has decided to release the film Bully unrated after the MPAA refused to budge on its 'R' rating on the film.
See, it's a film about kids being bullied, and, well, there are some f-bombs in the film because that's how kids these days talk, but, if the MPAA had their way, the very audience this film targets, to educate about the dangers of bullying, would never see it.
BULLY Director Lee Hirsch, “The small amount of language in the film that’s responsible for the R rating is there because it’s real. It’s what the children who are victims of bullying face on most days. All of our supporters see that, and we’re grateful for the support we’ve received across the board. I know the kids will come, so it’s up to the theaters to let them in.”
Now, it's up to individual movie theaters to decide whether or not to let minors see it.
And they should.

Rick Santorum. Asshat. Idiot. Moron. Bigot. Homophobe.
See, at a campaign event at a bowling alley in Wisconsin today, Frothy told a boy who reached for a pink bowling ball: “You’re not gonna use the pink ball. We're not gonna let you do that. Not on camera. Friends don’t let friends use pink balls.” 
The comments were tweeted by Reuters reporter Sam Youngman.
I don't get his popularity. Yes, I understand he is NotRomney, and the conservative wingnuts of the GOP love a good NotRomney. But he is consistently whipping out the crazy, whether comparing homosexual sex to f%king dogs, or calling Obama a snob because he went to college, or telling women what to do with their bodies, and shouting "Bull shit" to a reporter who asked a question he didn't like.
His comments, plain and simple, are homophobic. He can couch his hatred in religion, but it's hate. It's bigotry. It's disgusting.
Still, look at him up there. Doesn't he look pink?


  1. Phi Phi missed a bet. If she had talked it over with DiDa and Latrice they could have made a moment of it. They could have picked up that bag of glitter and dumped it over her head. That would have made it funny and been empowering.

  2. Holy cow that's a lot of news. I hadn't heard about The Grinch (my nickname for Newt)charging for photos. Who are the poor saps doling out money for that photo?

    Loved Gaga's Tweet too.

  3. Did they surgically implant a new heart into DICK, or did he just rip one out of one of the young interns and swallow it???

  4. Sabastian Stan is oh so hot...loved him the other night. And yes he was on Gossip Girl my guilty pleasure for a bit as well.

  5. Another great post Bob!

    First thing I thought of when I heard that Cheney got a new heart: "Cheney has a heart? Who knew?"
    Gringrich and Santorum, the gifts (along with Romney) that keep on giving. I'll miss the other two clowns when Romeny gets the Repug nomination.

  6. I wonder who's PAYING for Cheney's hearts. Oh, wait- I know!

  7. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Geraldo Rivera is a journalist as
    Faux News is to fair and balanced.

    Speaking of Faux News, conservatives and Faux like to say, "The liberal media elite" So do they think that liberals are elite or is it the media or is it the liberal media?

    Does this then mean that Faux is, "The Conservative Media lying rusted pickup truck in the front yard with the broken wash on the porch confederate flag waving trailer-park trash?"

  8. Sanmoron should wear that pink bowling ball around his neck.


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