
Friday, March 30, 2012

I Didn't Say It.....

Madonna, on her process of choosing a mate:
“It’s about finding a man you can look up to, and comparing them to archetypes that I obviously adore—John Travolta in ‘Saturday Night Fever,’ Bruce Lee, Abraham Lincoln. I name people who I look up to and admire. I compare the object of my affection to all these people.”

Is it just me, or did anyone else realize that two of her choices are ALLEGEDLY gay men?
Rethink MDNA.

Barack Obama, on the Trayvon Martin case: 
"I think about my own kids. and you know, I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this. And that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local, to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened. so I'm glad that not only is the justice department looking into it, I understand now that the governor of the state of Florida has formed a task force to investigate what is taking place...My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon. and, you know, I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened."

I don't understand all the uproar over his comments.
Newt said he was race-baiting, but, um, if you;re a Black man and a young Black teen is murdered, wouldn't you think, 'Hey, that could have been my son.'
I think Newt is the one playing the race card.

Adam Savage, Mythbusters host, on atheism at the Reason Rally:
"I have concluded through careful, empirical analysis and much thought that somebody is looking out for me. Keeping track of what I think about things, forgiving me when I do less then I ought, giving me strength to shoot for more than I think I am capable of. I believe they know everything that I do and think and they still love me and I’ve concluded after careful consideration that this person keeping score is me."

Isn't it funny, in this day and age, that we are still discussing freedom of, and from, religion. Haven't we moved beyond the idea that all people must think alike.
If Savage believes he is repsonsible for his own life, choices, destiny, and someone else thinks that God, or gods, or goddesses, or, whomever, is responsible for their life choices, shouldn't we all just let it be?

Maggie Gallagher, on Starbucks refusal to came to her lumbering, blubbering hate machine, NOM:
"Starbucks has voluntarily decided -- as a corporation -- to associate its brand with a major political issue, the CEO just confirmed. I was in the room. I heard him. Customers across the world have a right to know that contrary to the promises made by the corporation in the Middle East and elsewhere, Starbucks does subsidize political causes. Drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee, sadly, means supporting gay marriage. Speak out, and stop being invisible to powerful men like Schultz. The business of America may or may not be business, but the business of corporations is to make an honest profit by serving all their customers well, both those who favor and those who oppose gay marriage."

Maggie's boycott has drummed up about 20,000 goosesteppers for hate, while nearly half a million have signed a petition thanking Starbucks for their pro-equality stance.
Oh, and their stock is soaring while NOM's is falling [see below].

Samuel Wurzelbacher, AKA Joe the Plumber, playing the Why is everybody always picking on me card like his idol:
"Remember how the leftwing media crucified Sarah Palin in the 2008 election? Well, now they've made Joe the Plumber their new target. Since winning my primary, the media has made it their number one mission to discredit my candidacy and annihilate my character. I've been painted as a bigot, told I'm not qualified to serve in Congress, and lectured on live TV as if I'm a schoolboy in the principal's office. No, I didn't earn a degree at Harvard, I haven't worked on Wall Street, and I don't make a six-figure salary. I'm a normal American, just like you. I served my country in the military and I've worked day and night to provide for my family. If that doesn't qualify a man to run for Congress, I don't know what does."

Poor Joe.
No, being in the military and caring for your family does not qualify you to run for office. At least not by themselves,
You also need a brain and a political stance, not just a few seconds left on your Fifteen Minutes of Fame clock.

Josh Elliott, Good Morning America anchor, on his father's coming out:
"When I was 13 years old, my dad came out and he died when I was 15, but for two years I got to see him as a man fulfilled and a man in full... I just want to say this: I took from him his love of storytelling; I took from him the importance of being an advocate for those who need it; and I took from him what it means to be a man."


Keith Ellison, Democratic Representative from Minnesota, on the recently revealed NOM strategy of pitting the Black community against the Gay community:
"Today, we learned from previously confidential documents that the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is intentionally working to divide Americans across racial lines to advance their political agenda. The exposed documents reveal that NOM’s ‘strategic goal’ is to ‘drive a wedge between gays and blacks – two key Democratic constituencies.’ Our nation was founded on the principle of liberty and justice for all people—regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. NOM is clearly opposed to these basic ideals that so many Americans hold dear. I call on people from all backgrounds to speak out against NOM’s agenda and vote NO on the anti-marriage amendment this November."

First Starbucks poured a Macchiato all over NOM and now they are crumbling beneath their own bigotry and hatred.
The mirror has two faces, Mags. And they're both repulsive.

Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP, on the latest NOM scandal:
"NOM's underhanded attempts to divide will not succeed if Black Americans remember their own history of discrimination. Pitting bigotry's victims against other victims is reprehensible; the defenders of justice must stand together."

NOM. Using hate to gain some kind of bigoted foothold in their doomed fight to "protect" marriage..
Ain't gonna happen.

Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center spokesman, also on the NOM scandal:
"Black folks, this is a message for you: The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the country’s preeminent group fighting against same-sex marriage, really, really likes you. They even want to make some of you famous! Have NOM’s principal leaders, former president Maggie Gallagher and current leader Brian S. Brown, stood up for African Americans before? Well, not so much. But it turns out that they’ve decided that you’re actually very important....NOM isn’t the first organization to use such cynical marketing ploys, schemes that seem to have little do with the interests of the people they claim to represent, and it certainly won’t be the last. But the revelation of its bald attempt to exploit black people and Latinos should help end the idea that NOM is an honorable group that would never engage in race-baiting. Because that is precisely what it has done."

It's one thing, NOM, to have an opinion, a political belief, a moral viewpoint. But to try and pit people against each other, hoping to prevail, is disgusting and hateful, and, well, totally you.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Joe The Plumber doesn't have what it takes to win political office. To play in the GOP pool, it also takes wealth and/or a white collar rap sheet, neither of which he has.

  2. Errand running day - Starbucks on order!

  3. Madonna wants a man she can look up to? Such bullshit. Madge is all about ball busting. That's why smart men stay away from her.


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