
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

He Says He's Not A Homophobe and Then He Opens His Mouth

I love how, when he gets asked about his views on The Gays during his campaign, Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, says he'd rather talk about his conservative issues, and how he can beat Obama in November.
It';s kinda cute that he thinks he can beat Obama in November, when the rest of us know he'll be raking leaves in his front yard and sobbing quietly. But I digress......
Last week, while in Missouri, Rick Santorum told a gay man that he didn’t deserve the “privilege” of marriage because his same-sex relationship does not “benefit” society in the same way that opposite-sex marriage does:

Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum: "You’re not entitled “to special treatment under the law…[Marriage is] not a right, it’s something that has existed since the beginning of human history as an institution where men and women come together for the purposes of forming a natural relationship as God made it to be. And for the purposes of having children and continuing that civilization. It is an intrinsic good…And as a result of that, we extend a privilege. We extend certain privileges to people who do that because we want to encourage that behavior. [...] Two people who may like each other or may love each other who are same-sex, is that a special relationship? Yes it is, but it is not the same relationship that benefits society like a marriage between a man and a woman."
Oh Rick. You're an ass. You're a bitter, homophobic, probably self-loathing and closeted, prick who says things and then has no idea what they mean.
If marriage is for producing children to continue the civilization, then why are elderly people allowed to marry? I mean, there will be no children, so they are not contributing to the continuation of society. Why aren't you railing about that?
If marriage is for producing children, then why are couples who don't have children allowed to continue in the institution? I mean, they doing nothing for civilization.
If marriage is for producing children, then why are couples who cannot have children allowed to remain married? I mean, shouldn't you be working to make sure that barren women and impotent men never have the privilege either.
And finally....
You're a dumb fuck.
My marriage will not affect civilization in a negative way. In fact, Frothy, perhaps if I was able to marry Carlos, younger gay people might feel like they have a chance to be accepted into society as they are and not pull a trigger or tie a rope around their neck.

Wouldn't that be nice?
Perhaps, if I was allowed to marry, I was feel included in the discourse of this country, and not some outsider who feels that i don't matter.

Wouldn't that be great?
And, for the record, Frothy, gay men and women can have children and can raise a family just as good, or even better than, straight parents. There is surrogacy and adoption for gay folks, and those straight folks--who shouldn't be allowed to marry under your warped world view--to use to make a family and strengthen the family and raise a child.
So, to sum up once again.....
You'll never be president and you're a dumb fuck.


  1. And regarding marriage as a right, there is a steady body of judicial rulings that say just that. In fact the latest appellate ruling on Prop 8 states it rather plainly that marriage is a right.

    Santorum is pandering to the religious lunatics in this country. Problem is they aren't enough of the electorate to capture the presidency.

  2. I couldn't have said it better. I watched Santorum last night give his "victory" speech after "winning" three caucuses. It was hard to watch and listen to his self delusion and the clapping delusional supporters standing behind him. This hateful man actually thinks he can be president. Sure, he has a base of voters who thinks as he does but are not enough of them to actually vote him in as president. However, my fear is that he will sneak in the back door via the vice presidency.

    Anyone who is so out of touch that he thinks he can repeal "Don' Ask, Don't Tell" should not even be in the political arena.

    Santorum is a douche. Really, "Santorum" is a douche.

  3. "...younger gay people might feel like they have a chance to be accepted into society as they are and not pull a trigger or tie a rope around their neck." Or feel pressured to marry a member of the opposite sex to try to hide their true sexuality.

  4. A tiny man living in a very tiny fear filled world.

  5. Not to mention his abominable taste in clothes...

  6. The rest of the candidates are just clowns. For some reason, this one kind of scares me a bit. I wonder if he really believes the stuff he says, or is he just saying it to get the votes? Yup, scary.

  7. He's closeted, I just know it

  8. Bob, if he were the last piece of toilet paper left on earth, I do believe I'd have to go un-cleanily, before I'd wipe with him. I am particular who touches my ass!


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