
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The GOP Candidates On Prop H8

So, Prop * was declared unconstitutional by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday. Excellent news, no? Of course, it doesn't mean the battle is over. Anti-marriage-equality groups will protests and fight all the way to the Supreme Court, but, we won this battle.
It's all good.
Except for the GOP candidates running for president. All three of the front-runners came out yesterday with their GOP-Granny-Pants in a twist over the decision. All three have vowed to work against the decision.
Just proof positive, as if we need any more, that the GOP is staunchly anti-LGBT, with the exception of a few.
Mitt Romney attacked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals after it upheld the decision striking down Prop 8:
“Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage. This decision does not end this fight, and I expect it to go to the Supreme Court. That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election and the movement to preserve our values. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and, as president, I will protect traditional marriage and appoint judges who interpret the Constitution as it is written and not according to their own politics and prejudices.”
It's funny, he's pissed that these "judges" have done this--acting like it's not their job--and then promises to put his kind of judges in place to strike down any attempts at marriage equality. So, Mitt believe pro-equality judges are bad, and anti-0equality judges are good.
Or, at least he believes that today. Tomorrow may tell a different story with the flip-flopper.
Newt tweeted that is also aghast at judges who rule by the law, and will also replace those equality judges whom he dubs as "activist" with his own, "non-activist, Newt-goosestepping" ones:
This from a man who fucks around on his wives and has been married, as of now, three times, Because, don't think for a moment that Newt will stay married to the Callista-bot for the rest of his life. Once a cheater....
Then we have Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, who is the most ignorant candidate in the bunch; which ain't saying much. He's terribly upset that the will of those 7 million voters was denied, but he has no qualms about denying equality to millions of LGBT Californians. That Frothy, all hate, no game:


  1. Wasn't Newt going to have them all arrested and dragged before Congress?

  2. They make me all projectile vomit.

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I really can't wait for the SCOTUS to declare marriage legal in all 50 states ... Frothy Mix's head will explode!

  4. They can say whatever they want, but as Dan Savage said: "It's not over until we say it's over and it's not over until we win."

  5. Ignorant hypocrites. Hateful bigots.

  6. Of the bunch Santorum is the worst. He actually believes what he says. Complete and total ignorance like his is dangerous.


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