
Monday, December 05, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

Here we are, another week older :::ack::: and time once again to bestow the coveted....coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week Award, from a veritable cornucopia of contenders.
So, let's rip.......
I am not a Black Friday shopper. that whole mess gets me all a'scurred, because What's A Little Pepper Spray When TV's Are 50% Off?

Wonder Man said...

it's embarrassing and I almost went there 

Here in good old boy South Carolina there is still a lot of ignorance and stigma and fear of HIV/AIDS, but one woman wants to change all that, one mind at a time, with Pastor Byrth Is On A Mission:

S'A said...
There are still good people out there.
I had a little fun with Just For Giggles: OCD and one reader was not really amused:
Mitch Block said...
Yes, check to the first three.
And, yes, leaving that last box unchecked is really making me crazy.
Kansas governor, Sam Brownback, got his politics in a snit, when a high school girl Tweeted that he sucked. Rants ensued and Brownback's people demanded an apology, but Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much.....And So He Apologized:
Wonder Man said...
he is a crybaby
In the interests of fairness, I have never eaten at Chick-fil-A, even before I knew they were a bunch of homophobic bigots and spreaders of hate and intolerance. Still, as you can see, they piss me off, as they did in Hey Chick-fil-A? Eat This!:
Thomas (Tom) Rimington said...
Love it... I used to love the Chick-fil-A sandwiches until I heard of their homophobic stance and their contributions to idiotic causes... I saw something else online this morning that reminded me of my "choice" to boycott this behemoth...
If I want chicken marinated in pickle juice and fried in a pressure cooker, I will do it at home...
I sorta got annoyed in Random Musings, as I tend to do, when a certain wacknut berated the president for not mentioning god during his Thanksgiving address. I wasn't the only one:
Bucko (a.k.a., Ken) said...
Thanksgiving has never really been a religious holiday, though many do pray. It is about the end of the harvest, festivals and joy, and community. I think our President got it exactly right.
I Didn't Say It..... I just posted it, and then you all said it:
R.J. said...
I don't care what team he plays for. I love Daniel Craig!
froggy said...
Our Tar has many nicknames 'Doofus, Stoner, Duuuude' and Daughter has decided that Rick Perry is the Tar of politicians.
I've been doing a little Christmas music each day, and I discovered that A Very Sting Christmas warms the cockles of my....well, let's just say I'm warm, and it does the same for.....
Stephen who said...
I saw him on ELLEN yesterday... & he is one fine looking 60 year old man.
What does it say when a teen who physically assaults another teen because he's gay, gets a light sentence for the unprovoked attack. It says it's almost okay to beat someone, because Levi Sever Gets 90 Days For The Attack: said...
This sends a terrible message. I wonder how long we'll have to wait to read about the gay kids fighting back. You can bet your ass that schools will take action when the gay boys start beating the crap out of the bullies.
But a mother decides that someone needs to be held accountable in yet another teen suicide as a result of bullying, so Natalie Moore Files Suit For Her Dead, Bullied Son:
Sam said...
Nothing less than zero!
In I Ain't One To Gossip, But.... there was much joy, and, well, gossip, to be had:
mistress maddie said...
Oh...that is Bruce Jenner? I thought Kris Jenner switched sides to be with a Asian lesbian! And Lindsay will be in her permanent home I see?
twunty mcslore said...
...and that's when the earth opened up and sent them all straight to Hell.
To which Joy said...
At least I won't be in the same Circle of Hell with all of those fame whores. Unfortunately, I'm here on Earth with them now. The horror!
And finally, the resident ISBL Lindsay Lohan fan, Jim said...
Alright Bob, the Lindsay Lohan fix on "Gossip" Saturday.
Love It!
If that young lady could keep her act together, she has shown potential, but that remains to be seen as pointed out in your post.
But the winner this week is someone who made me chuckle at Chick-fil-A despite my disgust for them:
R.J. said...
Usually a company will protects its intellectual property but it would be an oxymoron in Chick-Fil-A's case. 
Congrats RJ!
And let's keep those witty, catty, funny, intelkligent, angry, rude, snark, thought-ptovoking, thoughtful somments coming!


  1. A bonus of Comment of the Week is getting to catch up with comments that I might have not seen the first time around!

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM


  3. Bob you get the best comments. I'm so
    Jealous. But I'm sure it has to with the great post to begin with


Say anything, but keep it civil .......