
Monday, November 14, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Biki

Another week has come and gone, and it's time to honor another guest with the coveted...covered?...ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment of the Week award.
Let's dig in.....
One of my favorite stories this week was A Sit-In For Standing Up, in which the students decided to do something about bullying:
DeepBlue said...
Beautiful. Let's hope it has a domino effect...
It seems funny, and by funny, I mean sad, to me, that people still want to throw verbal stones at someone who looks or acts differently, instead of celebrating them for living outside the box. This was the case with Kasey Landrum Wears Make-up....So What:
A guy wearing make-up?????? Why I never. I can't believe that. I think I need a bromide.
Sometimes folks, especially politicians neither think before they act, nor make sense with their acts, as was the case in Michigan, Where Christians Are Free To Bully:
The fools clearly didn't realize that, in their quest to make it OK for Christian kids to bully LGBT kids, this bill also makes it A-OK to bully Christian kids for being Christian, if one claims a religious and/or moral motivation to do so.
Big business is all about profits, and the bottom line, but when the bottom line is discrimination and that costs big business some money, then they step up in Corporate America Fights DOMA:
Great posts! I think more and more big corporations will be siding with fair-minded Americans as they realize the far-right is negatively impacting their profits.
I love architecture, and Architecture Wednesday, but some of those architectures seem a tad out of the loop when designing, and their explanations for their design:
Mitch Block said...
What a place! I do love it. Ironic however that he cares about consumption of energy but imagine how much energy would have been saved without 21,000 square feet of living and recreational space. Shall we talk about conspicuous consumption?
I've been annoyed with Michigan this week and their proposed It's Okay To Bully If Jeebus Says So law, but then we had some good news that the religious and/or moral rights to bully language would be removed from the bill in UPDATE: Michigan, Where Christians Are Free To Bully:
froggy said...
It still amazes me that we have to write laws to do something that educators and administrators should have never allowed to happen in the first place.
We all have our thoughts, and I share mine in Random Musings, and you share yours in the comments:
Biki said...
Whoa! I guess the memo telling us of big hair must have gotten lost in the mail! Stupid snail mail.
Those fellas are hott! ...loading those tv shows into my dvr.....
Yay for Ricky!
As for your songs stuck in the brain? My cure is to play something catchy, but without a lot of "hooks" in it. You could try something in a diff language. I had Korn's "Dead Bodies" stuck in my head for a month which for others was rather unpleasant as I would randomly sing out, "dead bodies everywhere!" 
I get a chuckle out of watching Rick Perry's presidential hopes [such as they were] crash and burn every time he opens his mouth, like in He's Right, He Shouldn't Debate:
Well, since Mama Grizzly Bore is gone, someone needs to be the comic relief of the GOP.
I've been trying desperately to integrate some more positive LGBT comments, in I Didn't Say It, but it does seem that the greasy, homophobic wheel gets the grease, or the most responses:
Guess that makes the Mayo Clinic anti-christian, because they promote Yoga for stress reduction. Unbelievable what people spout to be heard.
They say opinions are, it seems that everyone has one, especially when it comes to a little I Ain't One To Gossip, But....:
Tiger Chanter said...
I always knew that Ashton Kutcher was just some pretty-boy idiot who fell into a tub of butter. And now we have proof! ;)
You know, that whole State Penn, er, Penn State pedophile scandal gave me Just A Thought:
Simple enough for even a tea-bagger to understand... 
And this weeks winner of the coveted....coveted?....ISBLOGCOTW award goes to......someone who posted just last night, and said something just perfectly. In response to David Testo Comes Out:
Biki said...
With each famous person coming out, it leaves more and more lgbt kids with a smile on their face, instead of fear.

Congrats Biki.
That one put a smile on my face to start the week!


  1. Another week, another round!

  2. Yes. Excellent comment.
    Back to the drawing board.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. blushing! thanks a million!


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