
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Random Musings

So, last weekend I was thinking of making a little soup. I found some ground turkey, and was planning on my own rendition of Minestrone, perfect for a coolish October day.
Except that when i turned on the stove it began to spark...literally...and spew smoke like some island nation volcano.
My thirty-five-year-old stove--I think it's original to the house--had died.
Now, we are spending a fortune on a new gas stove, and having a gas line run to the house, and a gas meter installed,  and having a new exhaust fan--the old one was a downdraft and Carlos doesn't like a "downdraft"--put in.
Cooking is overrated, so, until then, I will be Chef Boy Our Crockpot.

One thing about those GOP presidential candidates: they wouldn't know the truth if it hit 'em in the face, and they have no problem spreading outright lies.
Case in point: Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, who said that the recent Pentagon memorandum allowing chaplains to perform same-sex marriages is, in fact, President Obama ordering military chaplains to “break the law”:
FROTHY: The Defense of Marriage Act. The President of the United States won’t even defend the law in court...And worse than that, just recently, he has instructed his military chaplains to marry people in direct contravention--marry gays and lesbians--in direct contravention to the Defense of Marriage Act...So not only did the President not defend the law, he has now instructed people in the military to break the law.
Really? Wow, because, um, this is what the memo to the military chaplains, from the Pentagon, actually says:
A military chaplain may participate in or officiate any private ceremony, whether on or off a military installation, provided that the ceremony is not prohibited by applicable state and local law. Further, a chaplain is not required to participate in or officiate a private ceremony if doing so would be in variance with the tenets of his or her religion or personal beliefs.
That wacky GOP. So out of touch. So out of time.

For five days now, 'Moves Like Jagger' has been playing in my head ad nauseum, only to be replaced today with 'Puff The Magic Dragon'.

Speaking of out of touch, we have one Laura Fotusky, who once was employed as a clerk in a New York state licensing office. But, you know, she resigned from her job because God don't want the Gays getting married and now people say she's mean and stuff. She says she has "love and compassion" in her heart and that she really "cares about people".
Straight people, apparently.
Um, Laura, you delusional nutjob. You have, er, had, a state job which does not allow for your own religious intolerance to be used on the job. That's why you resigned. Not because anyone was trying to violate your religious freedoms.
You, Laura Fotusky, were breaking the law, and incapable of doing the job for which you were hired. Take your waaa-waaa-waaa and stuff it.

I had a nightmare last night.
I was chosen to be the next Bachelor and was surrounded by twenty-five hot, screaming....wait for's it comes......women!!!

Tennessee state Representative Curry Todd, who was the leading sponsor of a law to allow folks with permits to carry handguns to bring those guns into bars, has been arrested,
For dunk driving.
And for being in possession of a gun while under the influence.
Police say the Republican gun-totin' drunkard was pulled over in Nashville late Tuesday night and ALLEGEDLY failed a roadside sobriety test and refused to take a breathalyzer. A loaded Smith & Wesson 38 Special was found in a holster stuffed between the driver seat and the center console.
Yup, drunk Republicans with guns.


  1. Laura Fotusky would say you were on the right track. ;-)

  2. You touched on aggravating topics, entertaining topics, and important topics. But, all I'm doing now is singing "Puff the Magic Dragon" and imagining you surrounded by 25 screaming (hot) bachelorettes.

  3. the Curry Todd thing is a hot mess

  4. Politicians know that if they outright lie, few people will make the effort to call them out, and certainly not the mainstream media. If they are called out, few people will care. If they absolutely have to, they just have to blame the lie on their speech writer or fact checker, or merely say it was a slip of the tongue. Regardless of their excuse, they get the sound bite they want and they get the benefit from it.

  5. I think you will be very happy with the switch to gas, I have had both electric and gas stoves, and absolutely love cooking on gas better.


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