
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mario Conti Is a Moron

The Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow, one Mario Conti, has written to all of Scotland's parishes urging them to oppose proposals to legalize gay marriage by claiming that such a move would lead to "gross discrimination" against Christians.

Um, okay, Mario. How?

See, some religious groups have welcomed the idea of marriage equality, while others--most notably, the Catholic church, home of a massive pedophile scandal they don't like to discuss--have been voraciously outspoken in their opposition. One such man, a high profile figure in the Scottish Catholic Church describes same-sex marriage as a "gross subversion of a universally accepted human right". 

M'kay, but I don't think he has said a word about priests who rape children, though.

But here's where it gets sticky; the government has made it crystal-effing-clear that, under their proposals, all Churches, and church, every church, would be free to choose whether or not they wish to hold gay marriage ceremonies.

So, Catholics? You can go on hating and demonizing gays, and focus your energies back on hiding child molesters. I imagine that's a load off your backs, eh?

No, it isn't. The aforementioned Mario Conti continues to rant and rail against the idea of equality, and is urging all the Scottish parishes to oppose equal marriage rights for gay couples, and is asking Catholics to sign a declaration of their hatred and homophobia.

God is love, I guess, but not in Mario Conti's mind.

Conti claims that legalizing gay marriage will lead to "gross discrimination" against Christians, though he never says how. 

Conti claims the government doesn't have a mandate to "reconstruct society on ideological grounds” but fails to realize marriage is, at first, a civil institution.

Conti states  “The Catholic Church, for one, will not accept it, and indeed will actively campaign against it."

Color me surprised. Yawn. Mario, you dimwit.

Here's how this works: Marriage equality becomes the law of the land the world over, and yet not one single person who is against it, for whatever Dark Ages reason they can create, will have to perform a gay marriage. See, Mario, it's like this: if you don't like The Gays--and let's face it, you don't though you couch your hatred in the Bible verses of your choosing--you don't have to perform our wedding.

In fact, I'd imagine that no self-respecting gay couple would want a vocally asshatted homophobe performing the ceremony. So, you don't have to do it. Go back to your full-time job of judging people and putting fear into their minds and hiding child molesters. 

We'll still be here getting married, but you won't be invited, which is sad, because The Gays throw a helluva a party.



  1. And eventually Catholicism will do the same thing it did with female servers and condoms between married partners where one is HIV positive like they will eventually do with female priests; reverse course and act like it's some sort of huge step...about 100 years after every other religion has decided gay marriage is perfectly fine. If Catholics are willing to stand for an increasingly irrelevant monarchy, let them. However, they should have sanctions of some kind, just like any other country that discriminates.

  2. Let'see. According to Wiki, 65% of Scotland is Christian. 16% of those Christians are Catholic, leaving something like maybe 5% of the country left listening to this asshole. Actually, it's probably more like a gaggle of old hags addicted to communion wine and that guy out west that looks at his sheep funny.

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