
Monday, September 12, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

It's been awhile since we've been here, because of vacation and laziness, or vacaziness, but here ewe are again to present the coveted....coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week Award.

So, without further ado.....

Commenting on I Ain't One To Gossip, But....Delusional Blond Diva Edition:

froggy said: 

And, amazingly, I don't think any of them are natural blonds!

Biki had this to say about the quotes of the week on I Didn't Say It....
What exactly does Gary DeMar think that homosexuals are practicing? Oh! I know Dancing! That's how Chaz got so good at it! All that dancing at home. I'll be sure to watch and pick up some handy tips.

Jane Lynch. She is the best ever!

As for the rest of your asshats? I'm thinking they were dropped as babies, or huffed gas as teens. There is no other viable reason to explain the crap that falls from their mouths.

Todd Carr had an invitation for the Top Three Maryland Democrats on A Political Trio For Maryland Marriage Equality

I'd like to buy all 3 of those guys a cocktail, they are fantastic

And Diatribes and Ovations felt like this about The APA v Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum:

"Suh-nap!" is RIGHT! Thanks for posting this! How anyone that thinks he can run a country can dismiss research of this magnitude is mind-boggling.

While Robyn has this to say about Frothy:

I don't know who funds Sanitorium every four years but I'm amazed he thinks he's still a viable candidate for anything.

And Kyle gave us this:
The statement that Kim Mills gave was brilliant. I still smile about it. It hit the right notes of smart, savvy, and we at the APA won't take your foolish, ignorant shit.

We heard from Diatribes and Ovations again on Kicked Out, Not For Being Out, But For His Views On Being Out:

In my opinion, Will Thomason should take his singing voice, his tuition dollars and his gay self to another university. Great post!

But the winner this week is Cubby, responding to  I Ain't One To Gossip, But....Delusional Blond Diva Edition, for his spot on review of the movie Contagion and revealing the only reason I'd go see it:
You'll be happy to know that poor Gwyneth Paltrow dies a horrible death in Contagion.

Congrats to all the nominees and to first time winner of the coveted....coveted?.....ISBLOGCOTW Award Cubby!!!


  1. Honored to be nominated!xoxox

  2. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Congratulations, Cubby!

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Way to go, Cubby!

  4. Woo hoo!! How cool is this!!


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