
Monday, June 06, 2011

That's Our Nikki: Vindictive, Bitter, and Yes, Bitch

Our beloved.....I'll pause until the giggles subside...governor, the Transparent Nikki Haley, held an 'End Of Session' party at the Governor's Mansion, paid for by the people of South Carolina, where she served food and drink, paid for by the people of South Carolina, and Nikki asked everyone to come, except for some Democrats, and at least one Republican, that she doesn't like or feels like they crossed her.

Call it the Mama Grizzly Bore Complex.

The excuses for the interesting guest list began to fly almost immediately. Nikki's spokesmoron, Rob Godfrey, says the cookout was actually hosted by Nikki's husband so they could invite whomever they chose. But, then, why call it an 'End Of Session' cookout, if the First Hubby is the host? He has nothing to do with the legislature.

But, like most legislators, Democratic Representative Boyd Brown assumed all legislators were invited, until he was stopped at the gate of the house where Nikki lives for free, and told he wasn't on the list. Brown says he's not sure what he did to be excluded, but spokesasshat, Rob Godfrey, said Brown had publicly and privately disrespected Haley, and fought her agenda during the legislative session.

That was followed by a foot stomp, and a "So there," I believe.

Among others on the governor's It's-My-Party-And-I-Won't-Ask-The-People-Who-Don't-Kiss-My Ass list were Democratic....of course....House Minority Leader Harry Ott,  Democratic....of course.....Senator Brad Hutto, Republican....Huh? Oh yeah, he doesn't like Nikki....Senator Jake Knotts, and Smallville's own Democrat....naturally....Vincent Sheheen who just happened to nearly beat Nikki in the last election, and stomped her ass in every debate from here to Charleston, and continues to show what an awful mistake the Repugs of South Carolina made during the last election.

That's our Nikki. She said she'd be transparent and she is doing just that. It's transparent that if you disagree with her, you're on the Do Not Call list. It's transparent that while she lives in a house that I, and all South Carolinians, pay for, and throws a party that I, and all South Carolinians, including the dozen or so state legislator she didn't invite, pay for, that she'll do whatever the hell she pleases.

I'm waiting for the bi-partisan door to slam in her face. And the next election when Nikki gets sent packing.

That's a party I'd attend!

SC Legislators Say Haley Snubbed Them
Haley's Unwise Unwelcome List
Haley Bans Democrats from Mansion Party

1 comment:

  1. her time is coming. She shouldn't voted back


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