
Monday, June 06, 2011

Taking The Focus Off The Morons

I was thinking of doing a post about Mama Grizzly Bore's rewriting of history. And I was thinking of doing a post about Michele Bachmann actually, actually, gloating about the Minnesota Legislature putting a gay marriage ban on the ballot in that state. But then I thought, why focus on the illiterate, amoral, uneducated, back-ass-wards thinking, pandering fucktards, when I can focus on someone with a brain and the ability to use that brain.

Case in point: 

Jeff Angelo, a former Iowan Republican state senator, let me say that again, a former Iowan Republican state senator, who is launching a group to support same-sex marriage. 

Tis true, my friends, tis true,. 

Angelo's group is called Iowa Republicans for Freedom, and was formed to encourage rank-and-file Republicans to support same-sex marriage as a principle of individual liberties. Angelos doesn't believe that government should be ion the right-to-marry business. He does, however, think that support for same-sex marriage should not be a factor for choosing any Republican presidential candidate. 

So, who should we focus on? The Republican who doesn't know her history from her ass? The Republican who gloats about discrimination? Or the Republican who understands that the battle for marriage equality isn't a battle against so-called traditional marriage [whatever that is], but a battle for equality for all Americans? 

I know who I'll be talking about.
Thanks Jeff.


  1. Hopefully one of a growing subset.

    Read an article that the Alaska press corps used to clean up the governor's ongoing sentences, take out the multiple metaphors and place periods to unite subjects and verbs.

  2. How I wish the newsmedia shared your views. Instead they give Palin thousands of dollars worth of free publicity and act as if her opinions matter. Oh, wait they do, to the thousands of idiotic morons out there who support her!


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