
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

And yet another week has come to an end, so it's time once again to announce the winner of the coveted...coveted?...ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week. And there was a wealth of funny and informative from which to choose.
Let's roll...

In response to my post What Do Lesbian Comics Know About Homophobia?...or more precisely, to the line "Dawn Whitwell is a Canadian comedian. I know, sounds like an oxymoron to me, too, but I digress."

Kevin, from The Lisp...who happens to be Canadian, said:

Sorry, Kevin, that was just me being a Gay Comedian. See? No oxymoron there!

Well, no 'oxy' at least...

In response to my post Apparently, It's In The Water!...

FDeF, of the Reluctant Rebel, Dinner's Ready and Benedict Bentley said: 
Found a few email addresses for Hazard, KY and sent this:

To All Whom it May Concern:
As there is no direct email for the mayor of Hazard, KY, I am directing my comments here.
News is out about the reprehensible display of bigotry and hate proffered by an employee of a recreational facility (public pool) run by the city. Not only does the City of Hazard owe an apology to the developmentally challenged citizens who were insulted and asked to leave the pool, but the person who took it upon himself to use the Bible as an excuse for his hatred and morally superior attitude should be fired. His personal beliefs do not give him the right to deny citizens their right to use public facilities without cause. This kind of blatant hatred is totally unacceptable in a pluralistic, civilized society. (Perhaps Hazard does not fall into that category).

I like this because it's said without anger or vitriol, or the use of the word 'fucktard,' which might have appeared several times within the message had I sent it.

Recent winner, and runner-up this week, Froggy, from the aptly named froggy, responded to my post about John Edwards and his mug shot...Heeeeeeeeeere's Johnny...with this bon mot:

At least this picture is above the waist.

So there is that for which to be grateful, although it does make me wonder if Johnny has any naughty TwitPics floating around, too.

Last week's winner and this week's first runner-up, Stan, of UnderSTANding STAN, had this to say about The MGB® Movie Poster:
I think it should be called "The Undeflated", since she's nothing more than a pompous air bag!
With the tagline "Oh, the inhumanity!"

Oh, the inhumanity is right!

But this week's top vote-getter, and let's remind you, I'm the only voter, goes to....drum roll please......

The Fabulous Twunty McSlore, of Love Me, Love My Blog, who also commented on The MGB® Movie Poster:
I think it should be a made up word, a la Dubya. How about the 'Un-Beleaguered?' or 'The Un-Mistreaterstood?' Anything will make sense, as long as it's unbelievably stupid. That is how much of a mind fuck her existence is.

The Un-Mistreaterstood!!
Sounds like something Shakespeare might have said, or maybe, the Mama Grizzly Bore, unless she decided to refudiate it.
Congrats Twunty!

And please, keep those comments, funny and enlightening, coming!


  1. I'm honored to be nominated! Even though typing out that line gave me an uncomfortable mental picture...

  2. Thanks, Bob.
    Unfortunately the topic did not lend itself to humor and witticisms. Which goes to show, though we should be laughing, sometimes we don't.

  3. YAY! Twunty !
    I had to offer my applause so that you wouldn't think that I mistreaterstood you...

  4. Thanks again for the lovely honor of making you giggle a bit, Bob. Believe me,you have me in stitches often enough with your commentary on idiocy.
    This is an honor I'll remember for as long as I can. :)

  5. Anonymous12:27 AM



  6. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Thanks for the memories and laughs. Any Oxy floating around???

  7. Thanks, Bob, and Wally! I will now humbly retreat to my sun room where I will read the Sunday paper op/ed page and re-renumerate with acrimosity the nefariable doings of our *cough* leaders. Xoxo


Say anything, but keep it civil .......