
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things That Tickle My, Um, Fancy

It's back. tonight. Not the Madonna ep; that's next week, but still........
It's on opposite Lost.
I have a DVR.
All is right with the world because I can be a Gleek and a Lostie all at the same time!

Y'all know about my feud with Lindsay Lohan, right? I mean, she beat me out for The Love Bug sequel, and I got cast in Twilight instead of her--I played High School Girl Number 14. It wasn't a big part but I got felt up by Rob Pattinson.

So, Lindsay and I have been frenemies for a long time.
Well, it seems that Nintendo, after a long five year wait, has decided to make a video game out of Lohan's mediocre movie, Mean Girls. But, and this is where I giggle, they left Lindsanity off the box cover. And she STARRED in the movie.
It's mean, to a mean girl.
And I love it.

This is kinda cute.
Yardley is using Ricky Martin's coming out party to advertise their new line of waterproof mascara, because all those girls who love Ricky are crying since he's revealed himself to be a man's man.
Um, yeah, Yardley? There aren't any of those girls left. They all got the memo in 1992 and moved on. And, as for boys who wear waterproof mascara, they ain't cryin' over Ricky's coming out either.
They're dancing.

I will have to say that i might be the Lone Gay Man who isn't dying over Sex and The City. I saw a few episodes of the series; cute, funny, I'll give it that. But it didn't ring my bell, you know. And I didn't see the first movie until DVD and probably won't sequel until DVD or OnDemand.
But that doesn't stop me from getting all giggly over the latest one-sheet for SATC2 with EssJayPee strolling single toward us.
Where are the other girls? Where are the other girl's names?
Uh huh. I smell SATC2 catfight.
Or, perhaps, SATC3: Carrie's Funeral.


  1. Love that poster! I'm stealing it

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I am drooling over that poster. Can't wait for the movie to come out!

  3. I'll be there on opening night of SATC2 just like I was last year. But yes, I would like to see Carrie be sent away for Narcissistic Personality Disorder treatment. Just sayin'.

    But back to me and my plans. . . .

  4. I LOVE SEX and the CITY! I CANNOT wait for new movie!


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