
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do Something!

I cannot shield my anger at the Catholic church over the molestation scandal. I am so tired of their excuses; the Devil, the homosexual, the New York Times, Pro-Choice advocates. All, in recent weeks, have been labeled the reasons for the scandal, or, at the very least, the reason for the continuing news of the scandal. All have been accused of fanning the fires of this scandal in order to take down the Catholic church.

Well, that won't happen. The church won't go anywhere, no one will be able to "take it down." But it does have to change. It does have to accept responsibility for being complicit in the pedophile scandal. It isn't the faith, it's the church.

There is nothing wrong with the Catholic faith, even for people, like myself, who don't follow it. The trouble lies in the leaders of the church. Those men who, for years, have protected pedophiles, moved pedophiles from place to place rather than turn them over to authorities; they even moved one back to Vatican City so he could not be prosecuted.

Short and sweet: the leaders of the Catholic church, in order to keep their coffers full, and their art collection in tact, and the Pope in Prada, have systematically aided and abetted pedophiles for years.

Of course, it isn't their fault. They have placed blame for the scandal squarely on the shoulders of Satan. And, for good measure, they have blamed the Gay Community, because all gay men want to have sex with boys; they can't prove it, but they can keep saying it. Even the Pope's highest ranking officials, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's secretary of state, has said, "Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true. That is the problem."

Can't prove it, but they keep saying it.

And, in addition to the laying of blame for the scandal, they also blame the media, most notably, the New York Times, and people who are Pro-Choice or pro-marriage equality, for fanning the flames of the scandal.

Everyone, it seems, is to blame, except for the Catholic Church.

Okay, then, we'll take the hit, the Gay Community, I mean. We're used to it. We're the cause of the global economic meltdown; it's our fault terrorists fly planes into buildings; we've destroyed marriage from Iowa to Massachusetts; we put Heidi Montag in a recording studio. All the evils of the world are our fault.

Happy now Catholic church. I've taken the blame. But now it's up to you to shut up, to quit whining about being targeted, and do something.

Rid the church of every single pedophile priest. Make the commitment to your followers that you will no longer tolerate this and will seek out and punish any priest accused of molesting a child.

Instead of playing the blame game, DO SOMETHING!


  1. Watching the church lately is like watching a drowning man. He panics and grasps at anything he thinks might save him as he sinks ever closer to his doom.

    Right now the church is lurching out in every direction, blaming gays, jews, the media, liberals, hoping something will stick so that it can keep its head above water. But the world is through with it, and this time the world will just lay back and watch the church sink.

  2. It looks like they are willing to blame anyone but themselves for what is happening. Larry is right, it is like watching a drowning man. Their desperation is forcing them to lash out at anything and anyone.


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