
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just When You Thought Church Leaders Couln't Sink Any Lower: Bishop Giacomo Babini

Seriously, quit pointing the finger outward and start looking on the inside. The troubles surrounding the Catholic Church are not the fault of anyone, or anything, other than the Catholic Church's own obsession with saving face and saving dollars.

After blaming The Gays, and the media, and the Pro-Choice people, the Vatican blame game for the pedophile priest sex abuse scandal has gotten truly ugly. Their latest attempt to deflect responsibility and accountability, and to protect Pope Benedict's reputation, reeks of anti-semitism, a new low--even for the Roman Catholic Church.

While the Vatican has denounced Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone's statements linking pedophilia to homosexuality, they have settled their demonic gaze upon Jews.

Giacomo Babini, a retired bishop, believes recent criticism of Pope Benedict's failure to deal with known pedophile priests, is a “Zionist attack,” and is on record as saying:

“They do not want the church, they are its natural enemies. Deep down, historically speaking, the Jews are God killers.”

No, Bishop Babini, the Jews are not God killers, not are they, or anyone else responsible for decades upon decades of child molestation aided and abetted by the Catholic Church.

That's on you and your brethren.


  1. I had not heard that one. Very discouraging.

  2. Bob. This is yet another example of the staggering number of distraction techniques currently being deployed by an organisation that seems incapable of facing the real problem.

    I noticed today that the Pope has said that the RC church must "do penance" for the atrocious crimes committed in the past. Apparently it doesn't matter what evil you perpetrate as long as you say sorry afterwards. How nice to have that comfort zone, would that the victims could find one.


  3. Boy, Bob, you put a fire under them, and a whole bunch of crazy boils out. This is one batch that needs to be thrown out!


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