
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Caite Upton Goes All Stupid. Again.

Remember Caite Upton, the pageant knucklehead from South Carolina, and The Iraq and such as? Yes? No? Well, either way, here's a refresher before we get started:

Yeah. Anyway. We're so proud, and such as, here in South Carolina, because we have access to illiterate fools, and such as. But I digress.

Caite Upton, Miss Airhead 2010, and her Huckleberry hound, model-[?]-boyfriend, Brent Horne, are contestants in the latest rendition of The Amazing Race, partially in hopes of dispelling the myth that models in general, and Caite in particular, are dumb.

It's, um, not working.

See, dim bulb Caire, and dimmer bulb Brent Horne, seemed to have had it out for lesbian couple Carol Rosenfeld and Brandy Snow almost from the first episode of the season. I can understand, a little, because Caite overheard that Carol and Brandy had a laugh or twelve at her expense over "The Iraq And Such As". But Caite Upton made those idiotic statements, and has heard all the jokes, so why the express anger at Rosenfeld and Snow.

Aaaaah! Lesbians.

See, I think Caite, dear sweet shy stupid naive Caite, bless her heart, is one of your mainstream South Carolina homophobes. And, so, she had to find a way to rid The Amazing Race of The Lesbians. But, to hear Carol and Brandy tell it, they assumed all was right between the couple and the couple of airheads.

Carol Rosenfeld: "We both had separate conversations with her and Caite talked about [her infamous answer at Miss Teen USA 2007] and how she overcame it. I remember specifically saying, 'Good for you,' so to find out how much she hated us was a complete shock."

The models' very visible hatred of the two women culminated in last Sunday's episode when they U-Turned Carol and Brandy, leading to their elimination. So, why the intense hatred, and why, Caite and Brent, you two inept fools, the need to constantly refer to Carol and Brandy as "The Lesbians"? I don't recall other teams referring to you two as "The Two Mindnumbingly Dumb Asshats From South Carolina".

Carol Rosenfeld: "I don't want to go to the point where I say she's homophobic because that's a pretty severe indictment of somebody. I don't know. People will have to be the judge of that, but you watch it and you don't know this is going on, and you like to think that in this day and age, people of a much younger generation would be a little more open-minded. It is what it is. She was clearly obsessed with beating and eliminating us. I think she very clearly had a problem with us as lesbians, not with us as individuals because she never individually indicts one of us as having done anything specifically wrong to them."

No need to do anything specifically wrong to them, just the simple fact that you're Lesbians, and she somehow, if it's even possible, thinks of you as less than she is, proves that Caite Upton is an Idiotic-Homophobe from a state full of them.

And such as.


  1. " Caite Upton is an Idiotic-Homophobe from a state full of them". True, true, and the dumb fuck probably can't even spell it.

  2. I don't like lesbians either. It is just unnatural not to like penis. Ya know?
    Just kidding!

    She is a homophobic idiot. UGH!

  3. Yeah she should of called them "The Bitches" instead. That's what they were. Glad to see them go. Why didn't mention the fact that other teams couldn't stand them either. Plus she didn't have a problem with Jordan so i don't think she is actual a homophobe. She just doesn't think before she speaks as she has proven in the past.

  4. "you think" ... your entire rant is based on "you think"? Got any facts, evidence, examples... you know? real world stuff? Or are you just straight-o-phobic against people that you SUSPECT of being homophobic? Seriously, get a life. I want my three minutes back.

  5. Gary, if that's your real name, thanks for stopping by. Always love a little "you suck" mail.
    Here's my ire:
    Caite Upton is a moron. Did she get flustered at her pageant? I'm sure she did; but lotsa folks get flustered without making asses of themselves. And, seriously, she said those things, on camera, in front of millions.
    Lighten up already.
    There. Happy?
    Oh yeah, and about her homophobia.
    During her time on the show, Caite Upton never referred to the other woman as anything other than The Lesbians, which smacks of homophobia to me.
    If they were two black women and she called them The Blacks, you might see my point.
    Or two Jewish women she would call The Jews.
    That's my point.
    And, now, you may have your three minutes back.
    I'm sure you need it.

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Listen here. This girl is a friend of mine, I went to high school with her. She was an honors student and an extremely nice person. Say what you want about her if you know it to be true, but do not speak of things you do not know. She most certainly is not a homophobe. One of her closest friends, and pageant coordinator, is a gay man. And for you to make generalizations about the south like that infuriates me. Yes, we have redneck ass holes who are completely unwilling to accept anything that is different, but those people don't only reside in the south eastern u.s. They are all over the place. What makes you think you're any better than a "homophobe"? You, sir, are a hypocrite. Judging people you don't know because of where they reside is a whole lot more ridiculous than what you are accusing catie of. Why are you so bitter? Chill out.

  7. Anon,
    Thanks for stopping by, though you're over a year late for the discussion.
    Your friend is a moron.
    My opinion.
    'Nuff said.
    Move along.

  8. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anonymous above....Scroll up. The "I should be laughing" banner is in a rainbow. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to see why theyre upset. lol Definately more stupid people in rural parts of the north.

  9. It doesn't matter how smart she is because she's hot.

  10. robertga99, Ugh, Ya know?

  11. Anonymous3:22 AM

    people think she hot ueah she os but she is fucking stupid as all can be ...... i know people like her they use there looks to get what they want but only works for so long then blows up in there face


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