
Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Cheese With That Whine, Joe?

Poor Not-Joe-Not-A-Plumber.

After being plucked from obscurity by Grampa McCain, and dubbed a plumber when he wasn't, Joe Wurzelbacher's memories of McCain aren't so pleasant.

"I don't owe John McCain shit," Sour-Grapes-Former-Media-Whore-Joe told a reporter; "He really screwed my life up, is how I look at it."

Poor Joe is upset because his fame is dwindling down to the fifteen minute mark, which was about fourteen-minutes-twelve-seconds more than he should have gotten--and I'm being kind there.

And no sooner had Grampa called him Joe-The-Plumber, saying during a debate with Obama, "Joe wants to buy the business that he's been in for all these years. Worked 10, 12 hours a day. And he wanted to buy the business, but he looked at your tax plan and he saw that he was going to pay much higher taxes."

And yet President Obama cut taxes for what he called "95 percent of working families."

Go figure, McCain was wrong, and Joe got screwed.

Within days of Joe's political debut, it was revealed that he was not an actual plumber, that he owed over $1,200 in back taxes, and that a lien had been placed against his home. None of which any of us might have known had it not been for Grampa.

Now, Joe whines some more, saying he was "u'sed" by McCain because he happened to be "the face of middle Americans."

Joe? Honey? You're a moron.

You allowed yourself to be used for your shot at the spotlight, so any misfortune or ill-will that comes your way lies squarely on your non-plumber shoulders. You can't get used if you don't put yourself up for sale.


  1. Is why one should be really, really careful about seeking the all seeing eye of the media.

  2. Bitterness is about as attractive as desperation, you know?

  3. Wow this is the best entry I read today. Thanks

  4. I kinda feel sorry for the guy - these politicians stop at nothing!

  5. Seriously. Boo freakin' hoo.


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