
Monday, February 15, 2010

The Rotten Apple Don't Fall Far From The Tree

I don't know who is more frightening, Dick "Hound Of Hell" Cheney, or his daughter Liz "Eva Braun" Cheney.

The former Vice-President and Untried War Criminal has been spending all his days since leaving the White House trying to white wash his image and his role in creating a ridiculous war by bashing the Obama administration at every turn.

And now his daughter, the non-lesbian one, seems to have forgotten about all the warnings and the presidential daily briefings ignored by her father, Condoleeza Rice and the entire Bush administration before 9/11. The Bush White House was warned on more than one occasion that Osama bin Laden was determined to strike within the US.

But now Liz, an asshat following and wallowing in her daddy's delusional steps, announced on FoxNews, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting, that she believes military tribunals, instead of civilian trials, following the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, would have produced intelligence that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks.

"What you have is a situation where unquestionably we did go through a period in this nation's history where we dealt with terrorism as a law enforcement matter," Cheney said to Chris Wallace. "As Attorney General Mukasey has pointed out recently, when we prosecuted and successfully convicted people after the '93 World Trade Center bombing, after the East African bombing, what it got us was 9/11 and 3,000 dead Americans."

Maybe so, but so did your father's denial of facts; so did Rice's ignoring of warnings, so did W's long stretch of vacation days during his first term in office. You're proving yourself to be daddy's little girl more and more, Eva.
Ignore the facts and hope your lies become the story.
You see, for Liz Cheney, more important than protecting Americans, and remembering those that perished in 9/11 attacks, she wants to rewrite history to protect her father's legacy.



  1. I'm sure they will find a way to blame this on Obama too!

  2. Paul's right about that. Those Right Wingnuts don't do anything now but point fingers. What's even worse is that they bend facts at best and create facts at worst in order to make their points valid. The truth of the matter is that they are so shocked that they lost the election and by such a huge amount, that they'll say or do anything to get back the power. I am afraid that Vader and his henchmen are the ones that truly want it. They'll use the Moosey SP to stir up hate against liberals and then rush in to save the day and try to steal the election as they did in '00 and '04. We have to be extremely careful and cautious to not let that happen.

  3. Dick is also busily trying to rewrite history. He is sickening.


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