
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Peter Sprigg: The Once And Future Asshat Queen....Cuz, You Know, He Has A Little Gay Face Going On

Wingnut Peter Sprigg, of the infamous Family Research Council, has said some outrageous [read: idiotic, moronic, asshatted] things over the years about the LGBT community, and he continues his special brand of hate-speak. Before we get to that, however, let's look back at Little Pete's words when when President Obama awarded a posthumous Medal Of Freedom to Harvey Milk:

"When President Obama today awards a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom to Harvey Milk, it may mark the first time in history that the nation's highest civilian award has been granted primarily on the basis of someone's sex life.
As the White House announcement explained, "Harvey Milk became the first openly gay elected official from a major city in the United States when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977." Yet Milk served in that office for less than a year, so that hardly qualifies him for the Medal of Freedom. Milk was also assassinated in November of 1978. But that cannot qualify him for this award, either – San Francisco Mayor George Moscone was killed by the same assassin the same day, but he will receive no Medal of Freedom. At least lesbian Billie Jean King, who will also be honored by Obama, was a genuine tennis star."

Now, nothing against Billie Jean, but wasn't she a mostly closeted athlete, who kept silent about her orientation for years? And, yes, that was her choice, but her coming out, and working for LGBT rights didn't happen until after she quit tennis.
Harvey Milk, on the other hand, while openly gay, made tremendous strides for the LGBT community. He was a forerunner for the modern-day movement; he worked to stop the Briggs Initiative which would have made it illegal, yes, against the law, for gay men and women to be teachers in California.
I always thought that deserved an award.

Then Little Pete decided that, like the Briggs Initiative, gay men and women should not be allowed near children; he advocated something like a universal anti-gay restraining order:

"Homosexuality is associated with higher rates of sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, and child sexual abuse, and those are all reasons for us to be concerned about placing children into that kind of setting."

Even though most, and by most I mean over 90% of pedophiles are straight men like, ahem, Little Pete, he continues to spread the lie that gay men and women will harm children. In addition, I don't think the LGBT community is any more sexually promiscuous, or mentally ill, or more likely to abuse others, than the straight community. It isn't a Gay v Straight thing; it's a Gay AND Straight thing.

But then Miss Peter decides to speak again, and to declare that homosexuals should be deported:

"I would much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States than to import them into the United States because we believe homosexuality is destructive to society."

The LGBT community is destructive? More destructive than calling a group of people pedophiles or drug addicts, or mentally ill? Because, you're looking awfully deport-able to me, right about now, Petey, based on your own criteria.

And just when you think Little Pete couldn't get more offensive, more bigoted, he goes on Hardball with Chris Matthews [video HERE] to discuss the repeal of DADT and says things like this:

It would be "unfair to put soldiers in a position of forced cohabitation with those who may be viewing them as sexual objects."

You know The Gays. We think of nothing but sex, and how to get it, where to get it, and with whom to get it. I mean, it isn't like we're Tiger woods, or John Edwards or anything.

Little Pete also says gays "are restrained in their behavior by the current policy [DADT]"

Yes, we are so restrained that we cannot do the job for which we applied and trained, because we're too busy thinking about sex. or causing earthquakes with our having sex: see HERE.

And, when asked what a young gay man or woman, who wants to serve their country, should do, Little Pete The Bigot, said, "[T]hey should serve in a civilian capacity...because the presence of homosexuals in the military is incompatible with good order, morale, discipline and unit cohesion."

But, Petey, if we can't keep our hands off the hot straight guys in the military--or hot straight women if you're swinging like that--how can we be expected to keep our hands off straight people in any kind of civilian capacity?

"There would be a place for criminal sanctions for homosexual behavior."

Yes, Little Petey Sprigg, wants to punish people criminally for being gay.
Welcome to the United Sates of Wingnut.

And remember, to paraphrase Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the gays and I didn't speak up because I wasn't gay.
By the time they came for me, there was no one left to speak up.



  1. What an uneducated ass!

    Harvey Milk didn't receive that award for holding an office. He received it for being a trailblazer.

    Martin Luther King Jr never held an office either, and we have an entire day for him. I wonder what precious Pete would say about that...

  2. What an ignorant fool he continues to be. All of his assertions are either fabricated or outright lies and his talking points are from the same broken record conservatives have been using for years. He certainly can's back any of them up with science data or that would stand up to the light of day. Bob, I wonder if he sits around wondering why he can't get any traction. Even most modern conservatives aren't stupid enough to try such overused tactics. What a disappointing opponent, if we can even call him that.

  3. that man is an idiot

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    If the asshat things gay people are promiscuous he should really look at his hetero brethren.

    Hell, even I know straight people with more promiscuous lives than I could ever live up to.


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