
Friday, September 11, 2009

Just For Being Gay

"This story isn’t just mine. I’m sure there’s many other people out there who have encountered a lot of the same problems that I have in my life, and have encountered hate-related crimes and a lot of discrimination based on that. I would urge them to come forward and make their stories known and have it so we can start to heal as a community and start to move forward beyond this kind of hate. My physical well-being has already been damaged. But my spirit inhabits this body. And it’s very strong, I’m going to be fighting for what I think is right, and hopefully the community will join me in that fight."

Jake Raynard, who spent six days in the hospital after being beaten with bricks by a gang of six to eight men. His jaw was broken, his eye socket was broken, as was his upper patella. He underwent facial reconstruction surgery and needed two metal plates, nine screws and a wire to put him back together.


  1. I said lets fight back. This is why I have zero patience for this right wings scumbags, their hate ends up in other peoples bodies. They are liable.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I will never understand how people think this is okay. That this is "right." Why is there such fear? So very very wrong.

  3. I get physically sick reading about these acts of violence and hate. I can't even comment.


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