
Friday, September 11, 2009

His Mouth Is Like A Shovel, The More He Talks The Deeper It Gets

I wish Joe Wilson had the same good manners as the President.

Yesterday President Obama accepted Congressman Joe Wilson’s apology for interrupting his health care speech, but then the South Carolina Republican Asshat insisted again that Obama had misled the nation with “inaccurate statements.”

So, let's see Joe, you said He Lied, but then apologized for saying it, and then basically called him a liar again. Be careful, Joe, Rob Miller's footsteps are gaining ground. Since your little outburst the Miller campaign has raised over $700,000.

Rob Miller: “As a former Marine, I was always trained to respect the chain of command. I was surprised that Congressman Wilson would disrespect the commander in chief on national television. His actions really exemplify everything that’s wrong in Washington. Shouting and name-calling have no place when we’re dealing with such important issues.”

Other Democrats, as well as some Republicans, have bashed Wilson for his inappropriate and disrespectful behavior, but Wilson claims that many of his house colleagues praised him.

“I’ve been very pleased at the number of people who have told me that what I said is what they felt,” Wilson said. But he didn't mention one single name of one single colleague who supported him. They support him, but refuse to do so in the light of day. They hide in the dark and criticize and name-call, but offer nothing else.

Still, for me, the kicker is this: Wilson acknowledges that Obama’s assertion about illegal immigrants was technically correct. “When he said illegal aliens would not be covered, the wording says that, but there’s no enforcement.” Wilson said. Illegal immigrants will not be covered, Joe. Say it again and again until it gets drilled into that thick skull of yours.

See, Barack Obama wasn't lying, Joe, you were.

You are the liar Joe Wilson, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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