
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Step Aside Mark

"When it comes to the real needs and concerns of South Carolinians, Mark Sanford has been pretty much missing in action for the last six-and-a-half years. But it is not acceptable for him to be actually missing....However, as disturbing as it is to walk out on your responsibilities without telling anyone, what's more troubling is that the governor and his staff have been less than truthful about his whereabouts."

--South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Carol Fowler.

And that's why I think he should resign. Not because of the affair. I am not that much of a hypocrite; I didn't want Clinton out of office because he cheated, so I should feel the same about Marky.

But.....for him to disappear for days on end is inexcusable. It was bad enough when we were told he was on a hike, but to actually leave the country is ridiculous.

Resign Governor. You can no longer be trusted to do your job.

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