
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lies On Top Of Lies...And He Wants To Be A Repug President

Mark Sanford has just admitted to cheating on his wife with a woman in South America.
What's that, Mark?
No more Mr. President?
I vote for no more Mr. Governor!
Ensign, Blair, Sanford. The New Repugs!

The Repugs have trotted out many people they thought able to challenge Barack Obama in 2012 and none of them has lived up to the GOP hype.

First we had Sarah Palin, who would rather spar with a certain gap-toothed talk show host or baby daddy than discuss anything pertinent to the American people.

Then we had Bobby Jindal who looked and sounded like a cartoon dog in his rebuttal to a Barack Obama speech.

Of course, the old dog Newt Gingrich woke up, then changed his mind and his religion, and then changed his mind again.

But strangest of all is our own lil ole guv'nah, Mark Sanford of South Carolina. He was thought to be on the fast-track to GOP front-running until his little disappearing act. David Copperfield, he ain't.

Sanford was gone from the governor's office for five days without telling anyone where he was going. The Lieutenant Governor didn't know. The Legislature wasn't told. His own wife was in the dark. Even SLED, who provide security for the governor, didn't know where he went. But then Marky called. He was on a hike in the Appalachians. And we all--well, not all, really--breathed a sigh of relief.

Except. That was a lie. And he wasn't gone four days. Or five days. He was gone....disappeared....for seven days. To South America. To Buenos Aires!

In an interview with The State newspaper, Sanford said he decided at the last minute to go to the South American country to "recharge" after a difficult legislative session in which he battled with lawmakers over how to spend federal stimulus money. he had considered hiking on the Appalachian Trail, but, "I said 'no' I wanted to do something exotic."

His critics, which right now include most of South Carolina, are slamming his little getaway.

Republican Senator Jake Knotts: "Lies. Lies. Lies. That's all we get from his staff. That's all we get from his people. That's all we get from him. Why all the big cover-up?"

I have a comment as well, Governor, and I use the title loosely.

You were elected by the people of South Carolina, which means you work for us. Which means you don't get to leave your job for days at a time without our knowledge.

Got that?

Have a nice trip back to the private sector. Asshat.


  1. Illinois says a grateful thank you.

  2. I agree, where was he?

  3. All this to cover up the story about the other Repub who was screwing a staff member and highering her son? Seems a bit much. LOL

  4. As soon as I heard that he disappeared for 7 days, I thought something fishy was going on. I thought it was 50/50 whether it would be a man or a woman, though!

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Wow. A Governer cheating on his wife? Imagine.

    What an eejit for thinking he could disappear to a foreign country for days on end and get away with it. Just goes to show the arrogance of politicians who don't seem to live in the real world.

  6. Wow that must be some piece of ass he's gettin' down there...totally clouded his judgment. Blew off his kids on father's day to get his rocks off. Do I laugh or cry?

  7. Not only that but he sent emails! Doesn't he know that nothing is ever gone from cyberspace? Doesn't he also know not to put things in writing?

    She has to be totally out of his league for him to lose his mind like this because he is not an attractive man in any way. He's a dweeb!


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