
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Fender Bender

Yesterday I was hobbling around the kitchen--it's a light hobble, but a hobble none-the-less--when the phone rang. As I am the kind of person who does not like talking on the phone and will not answer if it's an unrecognizable number, I checked the Caller ID.


Okay. I guess I can answer.
I kid. I press the button Hello?

Nothing. I turn it off and wonder if it is Carlos hitting the wrong button, or saying the wrong word. He has that Voice Activation jiggy-mah-giggy--his word--on his phone and I wondered if maybe when he'd said Home the phone thought he said Homo and began fire-dialing around the globe. I do not want to see that phone bill.

So I call him back and it just rings and rings and goes to Voicemail. As I like to panic, because it's a special gift I have, I think Oh God, he's been in a car accident.

I dial again. No answer. And again. No answer.

Finally the phone rings and I pick up--but not before checking the Caller ID because, well, I'm no fool. It's him.

I got in a car accident.
Damn me and my psychic abilities!

Turns out it was just a bump from another driver, but Carlos was lucky he called me, the Judge Judy of our house.

Did you call the police?
Call them. You need a police report.
But the girl seems nic--
Call them.
And take pictures of the car and the damages.

So he does as the Court Orders and all is well. A dent on the door and a couple of scratches on the fender. Carlos was more hurt than the car, and only emotionally because he loves PatsyEdwina--that's what he calls the car.

Sometimes I feel like Lucy and Ricky, and sometimes I feel like Abbott and Consuelo.


  1. I'm glad Carlos wasn't hurt and PatsyEdwina only had a few scratches.

    LOL: "Homo" rapid-dialing!!


  2. Good for you, Judy!

    Isn't that woman just the BEST?

  3. Had a couple calls like that.

  4. I'm glad Carlos is okay, and that you didn't re-injure yourself getting to the phone. That being said, you are hilarious!

  5. Oh no! I'm glad it wasn't worse, and that Carlos is okay. I would totally freak, too, at the first phone call, and I bet I would think the same thing...that Ken was in a car accident.

  6. "Abott and Consuelo"!!!!! HA!

    maybe you should go the sylvia Brown route and go on Montel williams.......

  7. As I always say, just before laying down the law, SOMEBODY has to be in charge.

  8. I am SO glad Carlos is okay, cause otherwise I would feel bad for laughing my ass off at this

    "when he'd said Home the phone thought he said Homo and began fire-dialing around the globe. I do not want to see that phone bill.

  9. Damn those psychic abilities.

    Mine are ringing off the hook - telling me I am likely to be highly inebriated by the time the new Isaac Mizrahi fashion design disaster premieres tonight on Bravo.

    Damn them.

  10. Lucy and Ethel. That pretty funny! Thank God everyone is alright.

  11. No matter how minor, car accidents are always a hassle. Hopefully the girl at fault will be adult about it and your hassle will be minimal. Glad Carlos is okay.


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