
Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Battle That Never Was

Utah's newest member of Congress, Repugnant Jason Chaffetz, came out swinging yesterday, ready for s fight. He wants to lead the charge to overturn the District of Columbia's move to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

Chaffetz, the ranking Republican on the House subcommittee that oversees the district, is trying to make a name for himself within the GOP while stepping on the rights of a select group of Americans.

How patriotic.

"I'm in a favor of recognizing marriage as a union between a man and a woman," Chaffetz said. "I'm not in favor of trying to redefine it, or disguise it under another name."

But you're in favor of using your religious beliefs to enact legislation?

Again, how patriotic.

Unlike other American cities, Washington D.C. has no ultimate control over its own laws and budgets, which gives Congress thirty days to cancel the 12-1 vote by the City Council to recognize same-sex marriage licenses from other states. Also unlike other cities in America, the District of Columbia has no voting member of Congress.

Chairman of the D.C. city council Vincent Gray said he hopes "Chaffetz and other members of Congress will respect home rule and allow the local representatives of the District of Columbia the right to legislate on this issue, as with others, in the best interest of the citizens who have elected them to do so, and not intervene."

And it appears that will happen.

Nancy Pelosi has come out saying that Congress will not interfere with the city council vote, effectively rapping young Mister Chaffetz on the knuckles: “I don’t think the Congress should intervene there in terms of their recognition of marriages in the states that allow them.”

Pack your bags, Chaffetz. You're done.


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