
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Steve King Is An Asshat

It's been just a couple of days since Iowa announced that "all men are created equal" shall be the law of the land; all men, women, citizens of Iowa, shall have the same rights as everyone else; that separate is not equal. But Iowa Repugnant Steve King has a different take:

“This is an unconstitutional ruling and another example of activist judges molding the Constitution to achieve their personal political ends. Iowa law says that marriage is between one man and one woman. If judges believe the Iowa legislature should grant same sex marriage, they should resign from their positions and run for office, not legislate from the bench.
“Now it is the Iowa legislature’s responsibility to pass the Marriage Amendment to the Iowa Constitution, clarifying that marriage is between one man and one woman, to give the power that the Supreme Court has arrogated to itself back to the people of Iowa. Along with a constitutional amendment, the legislature must also enact marriage license residency requirements so that Iowa does not become the gay marriage Mecca due to the Supreme Court’s latest experiment in social engineering.”

But Steve isn't new to the ways of the moron. Here's a sampling of some of Steve's King's Greatest Idiocy Hits, from The Iowa Independent:
  • Steve King idolizes Joe McCarthy. On Sept. 27, 2005, King referred to widely disgraced red-baiter Sen. Joseph McCarthy as a “great American hero” and continues to defend the statement.

  • Steve King likens illegal immigrants to animals. In July of 2006 King went to the House floor to display the model of a wall he said he personally designed for the U.S. border with Mexico and likened illegal border crossers to the farm animals, saying:
    “We need to do a few other things on top of that wall, and one of them being to put a little bit of wire on top here to provide a disincentive for people to climb over the top or put a ladder there. We could also electrify this wire with the kind of current that would not kill somebody, but it would be a discouragement for them to be fooling around with it. We do that with livestock all the time.”

  • Steve King on Barack Obama getting elected. In an interview in Spencer, Iowa, King said, “I’ll just say this, that when you think about the optics of a Barack Obama potentially getting elected president of the United States — and I mean, what does this look like to the rest of the world? What does it look like to the world of Islam? And I will tell you that, if he is elected president, then the … the radical Islamists, the … the al-Qaeda and the radical Islamists and their supporters will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11.”

  • Steve King compares homosexuals to unicorns and leprechauns. In a Dec. 12, 2003, news release about Sioux City Judge Jeffrey Neary’s decision to grant two lesbians a divorce, King said the following: “Unless I am mistaken, it was in Vermont, not Iowa, that Howard ‘The Coward’ Dean slyly signed midnight legislation making same-sex unions legal. Unicorns, leprechauns, gay marriages in Iowa — these are all things you will never find because they just don’t exist. But perhaps Judge Neary would grant divorces to unicorns and leprechauns, too.”

  • Steve King says Iraq is safer than Washington, D.C. In the summer of 2006, on the floor of the U.S. House, King said it’s more perilous for civilians in Washington, D.C., than in Iraq. He made the argument at least twice.
    “Well, by now, I have a feel for the rhythm of this place called Washington, D.C., and my wife lives here with me. I can tell you, she is in far greater risk being a civilian in Washington, D.C., than the average civilian in Iraq.” In fact, an estimated 21,000 civilians died violent deaths in Iraq in 2006. That same year there were 169 homicides in the nation’s capital.

  • Steve King makes fun of an old lady. In 2006, King suggested that iconic journalist Helen Thomas, then 85 years old, was ugly, in a joke about radical Islam’s belief that martyrs will be rewarded with virgins in the afterlife.
    “There probably are not 72 virgins in the hell he (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi) is at, and if there are, they probably all look like Helen Thomas.”In a rare display of civility, King apologized.

  • Steve King endorses backseat baby-making. How should Iowa deal with the worker shortage in towns that have relied on Hispanic workers, legal and illegal, since the 1980s? Make more Iowa babies, King told the Greater Des Moines Partnership, according to Jane Norman of The Des Moines Register. “What about the ‘grow your own’ plan?” King said. When former Republican Lt. Governor Art Neu asked King to elaborate, King singled out Singapore’s plan to increase pregnancies, which he said included the injunction, “put newspapers in your car (windows) to get more privacy.” Added King, “I remember those things when I read them. They kind of stand out in my mind.”

  • Steve King claims John Kerry would have lost World War II. In summer of 2004, King issued a statement about the just-dedicated World War II memorial in Washington, saying, “Can you imagine if John Kerry had been president during WWII? We’d all be speaking Japanese and German right now!”

  • Steve King defends “hazing” at Abu Ghraib. “The dismembered and charred corpses of American contractors dangling over the Euphrates River in comparison to the abuse committed by a few soldiers at Abu Ghraib are like the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer compared to those of Heidi Fleiss,” King said in a statement. “What amounts to hazing is not even in the same ballpark as mass murder.”

  • Steve King as a king. Visiting Iraq, King could not resist the opportunity to sit in one of Saddam Hussein’s former palace thrones. King later sent the photo to the media, prompting some to wonder if he hopes to become a power-mad dictator. If western Iowans, often feeling like the red-headed stepchild of the Hawkeye State, ever secede, would King be content with the governor’s chair of a new state or would he want a throne — for real?
And from little ol' me here at I Should Be Laughing:
  • Steve King is an asshat. Steve King doesn't realize the leaders of the Iowa legislature are fully behind the decision as evidenced by the dual statement from House Speaker Pat Murphy and Senate Majority leader Mike Gronstal earlier today. He also, apparently, is unaware that the judge who wrote the opinion in the case that allows same-sex marriage in Iowa was appointed by conservative Republican Governor Terry Brandstad. And, Steve King doesn't know that Republicans are behind most of the major favorable same-sex marriage decisions in recent history; Republicans are the ones who appointed the so-called activist judges in Massachusetts, in California, in Connecticut, and in Iowa.


  1. I didn't know anything about him until I read this. He is an asshat for sure!

  2. That's pure mess...this man needs to be blasted into space

  3. Asshat is a bit kind...but it'll do.

  4. Thanks Ruth!
    Come on in and set a'spell!


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