Yes indeedy fashion do's and fashion don'ts--and you know who you are--the lawsuits are settled, the lawyers have scurried back to their bogs and Project Runway is set to air Season Six this summer over on the Lifetime network--the channel for women and gay men. The bigwigs at Bravo are happy with the settlement and Lifteime is happy with the settlement; Heidi is happy, and Tim is happy. And I'm happy.
And, of course, DavidDust will be happy. Now maybe all that bitching and moaning, and those nasty emails, crying about the lack of Runway will stop....and maybe he can relax the restraining order on me.
Once again, David, sorry about the bitching moaning whining and nasty emails.
So here's to the return of Fierceness!
Let's hope for some of this.

And maybe a little of this.

And definitely this.

But, maybe not so much of this.
Oh honey, I lifted that restraining order long ago. It was a big mix-up ... I thought you were a guy named "Roberto" I once "knew"...
ReplyDeleteI am extremely happy about this news. Even if Project Runway is moving to the "Date Rape/Meredith Baxter-Birney" network (AKA Lifetime).
Make it work!!
I actually know a fashion design student and he would be great on the show...
ReplyDeleteLast night, at the end of Make Me a Supermodel, viewers were treated to the commercial for Bravo's new Project Runway replacement: The Fashion Show. Tim & Heidi are being replaced by Isaac Mizrahi and Kelly Rollins. I sure hope Isaac can come up with some campy catchphrase equivelent to 'Make it work'.
ReplyDeleteI'll be there watching both shows and just hope they are both good. Nothing will be like Project Runway, though!