
Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Bit More Spring In Smallville

We've had a dreary few days here in Smallville, but that hasn't stopped Spring from coming into our backyard. The willow tree by the fence is leafing out, and the tree off the kitchen in blooming pink flowers.
It might be a little damp, but winter is coming to an end, thank goodness.


  1. You're a bit ahead of us. We've got buds but no blossoms.

    I think your pink tree looks like maybe a crabapple? We have a small one, and it's always so pretty! What's even better is the Japanese Flowering Cherry. I'll get more pictures when it blooms this year. The flowers are double, so it looks like a chrysanthemum tree!


  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Our first buds don't usually appear til the end of April, and leaves at the beginning of the second week of may. I'm still waiting for mounds of snow still 3-4' thick to melt on my lawn but more and more ground is appearing and robins have nested in my shrubbery. ( And moles have started their terrible delta like moling trails). That rain of yours is coming up our way, and it's worth it to get rid of the snow to release the bent over saplings that are slowly rising up tho their heights again.

  3. Please send some Spring to DE!!

  4. Oh my gosh, BOB!!! You ahve abeautiful back yard!!!! I love the flowering tree....what is it? I love pink!


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