
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Simply Said

I saw this first over at Joe.My.God:

I don't want to use that old phrase, 'out of the mouths of babes,' because this young man is no child; he is articulate, educated, passionate young man who simply asks for what is fair, right, and equal.

This is 17-year-old James Neiley of Charlotte, Vermont, speaking before the Vermont Senate last week before the same-sex marriage vote.

This young man in the future, people, and it doesn't look terribly bleak after all.


  1. I LOVE this kid!! I would be so proud to have him as my son. He is so very intelligent and made excellent points.

    Here is a little funny story. My two sons have a friend, Jack. I think he is black/mexican, black/white, I'm not sure but he is a good looking kid (well, he is 21 now). I love Jack and so do my little girls. Even when my boys were in Texas Jack came and helped me moved.

    A few months ago my son texted me from TX and said "Mom, Jack came out." I sent back and said, "Came out where? To texas?" He replied, "NO MOM! He's gay!" I laughed my ass off because it never occurred to me, but I replied to my son and said, "Cool! I hope he's happy! That's all that matters." I think I shocked my son with that reaction, but I'll be honest, I don't care one way or the other because as far as I'm concerned, I still love Jack, and I don't care who Jack loves, as long as he is happy.

  2. When one of Gorilla Boy's friends came out and he told me he said, 'mom are you sitting down?'...
    we old folks are a lot more perceptive than the young whipper snappers give us credit for.

  3. Oh how I wish I had a mother like you Frogponder.

    What a great kid!

  4. It was never a big deal for my son to tell me a friend was gay because of how we've always talked about anything. We'd be somewhere, and I'd say the waiter or whoever was gay in an off-hand way. My gaydar works fairly well with men but not as much with women. At first he'd say, "What difference does it make?" Then he said what he always does, that I just have to say it when I think I know something. He's right. I'm awful! This is the kind of relationship we have! We pick on each other!

    He would tell me stuff and then warn me not to say anything. For example, one of his gay friends was going with a guy the rest of their group didn't like. My son said, "We call him Yoko." I laughed in recognition, and immediately he said, "Do NOT say that around him!" He knows me so well!


Say anything, but keep it civil .......