
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

RantGate: I Don't Get It

Is everyone out for their fifteen minutes of fame? Is it us seeking the attention. or is it the media focusing the attention on us. For every news story out there, we suffer through countless more tales of those people on the fringe, who knew somebody, worked with somebody, had once been in the same situation, saw it, heard it, smelled it, felt it. It's a need for attention that I don't understand.
I don't get it.
Beau Breedlove had an affair with out Portland Mayor Sam Adams back in 2005. It was a big scandal, with everyone, or almost everyone, calling for Adams to resign. He didn't; and he's still the mayor.
But Breedlove took his, ahem, media exposure to a new level. It wasn't enough that his personal live, personal love, personal affair, personal fling, whatever it was, was splashed all over the papers and the web. No, Breedlove took himself to Unzipped magazine and posed for the cover, using the story to further his career, or whatever.
Inside the May issue of Unzipped, Breedlove will tell all about his relationship with Adams and how the story broke, he'll reveal all about his own sex life and the kind of men he finds most attractive, and, of course, he'll do it buck naked.
I don't get it.
Is that what Breedlove wanted? To be a cover model for a male magazine? To be a nude model? No big deal there. But why exploit yourself and the relationship you had in the past. Is it only to be famous?
Because there's fame, and then there's infamy.
And they are not the same.
I don't like to talk about the OctoMom because it makes me cringe thinking about those poor children who will be trotted out at every birthday and Christmas, Halloween and whatever day their Mama needs mo' money.
They are being used. She's the user.
It isn't a miracle she had eight babies. it was science.
So please, Entertainment Tonight and Today, quit using that word.
And the part I don't get is that when this miserable excuse for a parent was bringing home two of her eight babies, the car was surrounded by the media; the shoved at the car, they tried to keep Octo from closing the garage door; they tried to crawl under the garage door.
It was so terrifying that, inside the car, Octo was dialing 911.....AGAIN! ask for police help.
And how do we know all this?
Because she had Entertainment Tonight inside the car with her! She called the police to say that the media was dangerously close to her and her babies while she had the media in the car with her!
This is the worst case of media whore-ness I've ever seen.
I think we could all do ourselves a favor by not watching this tragedy unfold any further. Don't read about it online, or watch on TV. Don't talk about it.
I'm done as of right no.....
That plane crash in Montana in which fourteen people lost their lives.
The media keeps mentioning that seven of them were children.
As if that's worse that the children were killed and not the adults.
But then they take it a step further and talk about the children, and the ones that were under ten years of age.
I guess if you're a child over ten, or an adult, dying in a fiery plane crash doesn't warrant any sympathy.
I saw some video of the church service and funeral for Natasha Richardson.
Liam Neeson, his sons, Vanessa Redgrave, her sister Lynne, and the rest of Natasha's family stood outside the church posing for photographers, apparently in the hopes that the press might leave them alone.
They were burying a wife, mother, niece, daughter, sister, friend, and they have to pose for pictures to guarantee some sense of privacy.
it's outrageous.
But what makes it worse, is that just after seeing the images of the family posing, the next story was Did Natasha Have To Die? The media has grabbed onto this story and dug it's heels in deep. The woman is barely dead, the family is still mourning, and yet all the conversation turns to any mistakes that may, or may not, have been made, and who made them.
Can't we just let her rest in peace and let her family grieve?
Fifteen minutes.
I don't want mine, so they're up for grabs.


  1. I live in fear for the day I might find Gloria Allred on my doorstep.

  2. I would love to find Gloria Allred at my door, so I could take have my dog attack her!

    But I digress, the media no longer reports the news, they create it. Access Hollywood refuses to discuss Octo because they say there is nothing entertaining about her.

  3. I've written very little about She Who Shall Not Be Named for the same reasons you mentioned: she's a media whore, and I'm not buying what she's selling.

    When this happened, I wrote that "because we can" is not a good enough reason to do some medical procedures. If any good can come of this, I hope it's that regulations will be put in place so that this never happens again. It's appalling.


  4. It's a shame how people will sell themselves short

  5. Go Bob! You've summed up the thoughts of many of us in this post....thank you!

  6. I agree with you 100%. The thing that all your rants have in common is the Media. And remember, the Media does not exist in order for us to be 'informed'. The Media is owned by large conglomerants who have a stake in what is reported and not reported. I am like you and have decided to TURN OFF THE NOISE.

  7. The Media is and will always remain what it is because, we, the viewers, continue to give them our time hence ratings, etc. We buy the magazines and stay up late to watch their shows: TMZ is a prime example of what I like to call "visual interrogation". Nothing more than people with cameras who race against the elements and the maturity of the human race to get that "classic scoop". This of course has been going on for many decades but only in the last few years has it become increasingly worse and yes, dangerous. I take heart in one fact aside from all of this however: I'm NOT famous so I can take a sh*t in my crapper without a dozen people coming to scratch and sniff for what I had to eat last night. Nuff said. *** Okay, one last thing: OctoMom - if she were in the comic books, would she have been like Dr. Octopus's mother? Hmm...just curious.

  8. Now don't go and get me started again Bob. I'm still ranting over the waste of a money shot ho, Paris, don't GET me started on that leech, the Octomom! I don't have the energy tonight.

  9. I do anything and everything I can to stay out any type of spotlight, no matter how little it is.

    And ya know, I haven't read about Octomom since I saw her on Dateline, or whatever it was when she first had those babies. I just don't care to be honest. I will not give someone like that any type of attention at all.

    And Liam and family? My God. How cruel and low can the media get? I would hate to know the answer to that.


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