
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hate In The Upstate Update

I talked about this HERE and now there's an update:

Stephen Andrew Moller, 20, punched Sean Kennedy in the face in the parking lot of the former Brew's Pub on Pelham Road in May 2007 after a night of drinking. Sean Kennedy died shortly thereafter.

In June 2008, Moller pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter--punching someone in the face because they're gay is an involuntary reaction here in South Carolina. Moller was sentenced to serve a year in state prison and three years of probation following his release.

A parole board today ruled against releasing him early.

Prosecutors had originally charged him with murder, but a state grand jury said involuntary manslaughter, which carries a maximum five-year sentence, was more appropriate. See, Sean Kennedy's head hit the pavement, causing fatal brain damage, so Moller didn't kill him, the sidewalk did. Ah, South Carolina, leave it up to you to pin a murder rap on concrete.

Moller told police after the attack that he didn't know Kennedy was gay until after he punched him and that he hit him because he was angry that Kennedy had inadvertently brushed his face with his hand. Oh, that makes all the difference.

If a man touches another man's face, then by all means punch him to the ground. The cement will take the heat for you.

So, Moller, just after hitting Kennedy, called a girl that Kennedy was with outside the bar and left a voice message mixed with laughter, profanity and anti-homosexual epithets bragging about the assault. Didn't know he was gay, eh, Stephen?

Moller's attorney, Ryan "Dumbass" Beasley, told Circuit Judge Ned Miller that Moller didn't realize that Kennedy was gay until the driver of the car saw a bleeding cut on Moller's hand and told him."You know that dude is gay. What are you going to do if you have AIDS now?"

Ryan "Dumbass" Beasley called the killing--the involuntary murder--a "tragic and freak incident with devastating results." Then, in what has to be proof positive of his dumb-assed-ness, offered another possible explanation for the brain damage Kennedy suffered, telling the judge that a friend of Kennedy's, who was drunk, dropped him after trying to lift him up.

So, Moller hits him to the ground, but it was the sidewalks fault he was so severely injured; or Moller hit him to the ground and a friend of Kennedy's did the damage by lifting him up. Ryan, honey, you really are a dumbass.

Before sentencing, Moller turned to apologize to Kennedy's family."I live with it every day. I wish it had never happened. I never thought this would happen. I'm sorry."

Nicely said, Moller, but Sean Kennedy doesn't get a chance to speak, ever again.

But Stephen Moller gets out in July.


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    This is such a disturbing story Bob. Its terrible too becaue it can happen anywhere in the country and does.

  2. It's just sick.
    I mean, did he beat the kid because he was gay, or because the kid accidentally brushed his face?
    Like that makes a difference.
    And to think he'll get out of jail after serving less than two years.


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