
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Roe v Wade

full text at The State

Obama urged to rethink abortion
Opponents of ending pregnancies gird for expected pro-choice actions
By JAMES ROSEN - McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Republican lawmakers Wednesday urged President Obama to reconsider his support of legal abortions as anti-abortion activists arrived in Washington for a protest on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling.
As many as 200,000 people were expected to join the “March for Life” to the Supreme Court building today on the 36th anniversary of the 1974 decision legalizing abortion.
Holly Gatling, executive director of South Carolina Citizens for Life, said she was among 60 members of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston who planned to participate in today’s march along Constitution Avenue.

“Everyone has the right to be born,” Gatling said after arriving in Washington. “We are a resistance movement of people who believe that it is wrong to kill members of our human family who are simply waiting to be born.”

Nancy Keenan, president of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, said senior members of her group have held discussions with high-level Obama aides in recent weeks.
“The first order of business is to reverse some of the policies of George W. Bush that have harmed women not only in this country, but women around the world,” Keenan said in an interview.

Bill Burton, an Obama spokesman, said, “We’re not making any announcements on that today.”
Democratic sources close to Obama said the new president likely would take early action on several abortion-related matters, starting with reinstating U.S. funding for international groups providing or promoting abortions.
President Ronald Reagan first banned such funding in the 1980s. President Bill Clinton issued an executive order reversing the ban on his first day in office in January 1993, and Bush restored the prohibition early in his first term eight years later.

“The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act,” Obama told a national gathering of Planned Parenthood members in July 2007.
Obama added: “On this fundamental issue (of abortion rights), I will not yield.”
The Freedom of Choice Act was crafted in the Senate by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and in the House by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York.
The measure would prohibit federal, state or local governments from denying or interfering with a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion. It would allow women to file retroactive lawsuits claiming harm from past denials.

Oran Smith, head of the Palmetto Family Council in South Carolina, said the Freedom of Choice Act would nullify a number of strong state anti-abortion laws adopted in recent years.
The South Carolina measures:
• Require a woman to see an ultrasound image of her fetus before obtaining an abortion
• Decree that the killing of a pregnant woman must yield two murders counts
• Authorize the state to produce car license plates with the slogan, “Choose Life.”

I love how these republican lawmakers are asking Obama to rethink his opinion on 'legal' abortions. They're legal, fellas, move on!
But I know this is a hot-button issue for lots of folks, as much as I know it has to be a very difficult decision for any woman to make. And i don't believe a woman on Earth makes this decision lightly. But it is a woman's decision; it is her right, her choice.
It's quite simple: You don't believe in abortion, don't have one. But don't tell anyone else what they can do because of what you believe. And don't preach legislation from the we have seen regarding abortion or gay marriage. Churches should stay out of politics; go ahead and counsel a woman who's thinking of abortion, but don't deny her the right to make her own choice.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if men could get pregnant, we wouldn't be having this discussion. But since most politicians are men, it's another way for men to control what they think they have a right to control.

Now, about South Carolina wanting to produce "Choose Life" license plates. How about "Gay Marriage Supporter" license plates? "Abolish the NRA" license plates? "Don't Tell Me What To Think" license plates?
Or, and this is a radical idea, but, with the economy taking hit after hit after hit, how about not spending more money on personalized license plates to spew your political or moral beliefs?
That's what bumperstickers are for, fools.


  1. "don't believe in abortion , don't have one" is that like, don't believe in shooting babykilling abortionists don't shoot one?
    SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

  2. Hey Rev,
    Thanks for stoppin' really.
    See, unlike you, I believe you have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine. The difference? I don't tell you that you're going to hell for yours.

    Judge not, Rev, judge not.

    In the end, Rev, it's a woman's "right" to have an abortion or choose....choose...not to have one.

  3. Hey, you're on somebody's radar!

    I agree with everything but just one thing...
    I worked for Planned Parenthood for three years as an education director. One of the things I did was fill in for counselors when we were shorthanded and, unfortunately, some women, and teenagers, do not have the slightest qualms about having an abortion. Often they come in for their second, third, fourth.

    But freedom of choice means just that - freedom. People are always making less than ideal choices about themselves - to smoke, to drink to excess, abuse drugs, to inhale Doritoes, to drop out of school, to run through multiple sex partners, to treat their children with less concern than the common household pet. And the rest of us clean up after them.

    But things have gotten better, how much has happened in my lifetime, so I continue to hold out for the human race.

    I wonder if Rev will come visit me?

  4. See, FP, I am pro-choice, because women deserve a choice; but not to use abortion as an 'oops,' or I forgot my pills, or for him to use protection.
    It isn't birth control, but it should be a choice.

  5. Yeah, but we have to support it all the way to the bitter end, the terrible offhandedness of it, because we are never going to find a way (nor should we) to say 'you deserve one, and you do not, because we like your reason and we don't like yours.'

  6. Again, "Stank" and "Dirty Road Whore" could probably be used here somewhere.

    FYI: The Freedom of Choice Act's sponsor in the House - Rep. Jerry Nadler - happens to be MY Congressman.


  7. David: Again, your words are perfect!

    FP: I agree 100%!

  8. You summed it up rather nicely! It is an option, not birth control. The woman has a right to chose based on her beliefs not someone else who won't be raising the child.

  9. Abortions are gonna happen whether they're legal or not. Why criminalize something that's legal?

    Besides, do we really want to FORCE women to have babies they don't want???

  10. It's interesting to me how these pro-life advocates are just fine with the death penalty and war. I guess it's OK to wait and kill embryos after they're born and become adults.

  11. Joy, I think it was Dennis Miller who said, years ago, the same thing, although he put it this way: "Abortion is wrong, unless it's committed in the 233rd trimester."

  12. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I am pro-choice and yet agree with FPs comments on having to clean up after irresponsible people. I do not believe in anyone telling me what to do with my body-including smoking. Education may be a slower path,but probably the best one.
    Just cracked up over your last paragraph about license plates. That was all so well said.
    xoxo Charlie


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