
Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Baaaaaaack

I saw this on Shakesville.


So, I am a huge Lost fan....huge....from episode one on...polar bears...smoke monsters....Mr Echo...traveling back in time and forward in time and across time...two islands...the hatch.....Boone's baby blues...the Dharma Initiative...Sawyer....I see dead people. It's all good.

So, Carlos comes home from work and we have dinner--a delicious ground turkey and black bean soup with mole sauce and store-bought roasted garlic bread--and then I tell him.

Lost is on tonight and all I ask is that, if you're going to watch it, do not speak.

I can speak if I want.

No, seriously, you can't. You'll start asking me who that is, or aren't they dead, or that doesn't make sense, or, ooooh that's a pretty lamp, and I'll stop to explain and then miss something important.

Just catch me up.

You can't 'catch up.' You either watch or you don't. If I explained the show to you we'd be here all night and I'd miss the 3-hour premiere.

Three hours? For what?

Leave the room.

But it's back. It's back. And I'm still hooked.

Then about an hour-and-a-half into the show, Carlos comes back into the room, sees Desmond and Penny in bed, and says, Ooooh, papi, who's that?


Just tell me who that is.


And what's he doing.

He's going to Oxford and you're leaving the room.

I may have to get a lock for the office door and lock Carlos in next week.


  1. get that lock and do it now! My husband does this constantly....and it drives. me. nuts.

    save yourself,,,get a lock!

  2. I used to be a huge fan of Lost, but I got so frustrated with all the unanswered questions that I stopped watching. But I did watch the "recap" show last night and part of the season premiere. It is STILL frustrating.

    BTW - I would pay good money to hire any man named "Carlos" to barge in while I was watching TV and begin sentences with the words "Oooooohh Papi". Consider yourself lucky.


  3. That's one way to look at it, DD. I'm glad I live alone.

  4. yes, david, his "oooh papi" is nice, but if I could get him to stop saying things like, "I like that lamp" it would be a nice start!

  5. I absolutely loved LOST last night. It was so good. It actually answered some of my questions and of course brought up lots of new ones. I do love that 'sit on the edge of your seat' show. Who was in bed with Sun when the show first started any ideas? Kick Carlos out of the room. Love, Sis

  6. Oh my, you ARE a fan.

  7. Mark: Yes, I am.

    Jeri: I think, and I'm probably wrong, it might be Ben Linus.

  8. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Too funny. Carlos is definitely the blessing of your life. Hhahahahahaha All for a different reason...if someone is in the room, I am apt to start talking even if "they" have promised not to. I can't resist a running commentary. but then, I run one when I am in the room alone too. Is that f-d up! but you see, I know when to talk and when not
    xoxo Charlie


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