
Friday, July 05, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Taraji P. Henson, urging guests at the 2024 BET Awards to look up Project 2025, educate themselves on it and vote:

"I'm telling y'all, you better show up and show out. I'm being serious now. It's not just about the presidential election, you guys. It's time for us to play chess, not checkers. It’s about making decisions that will affect us as human beings. Our careers, our next generations to come. Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention. It’s not a secret. Look it up. They are attacking our most vulnerable citizens. The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up. I'm not trying to scare us, I'm trying to inform us. I’m talking to the mad people who don't want to vote. You're gonna be mad about a lot of things if you don't vote."

So … Project 2025, known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a conglomerate of conservative policy proposals, potential picks to fill positions for the next administration, and more in the event that The Felon is elected president.

Henson also criticized the recent set of U.S. House bills, including the defense bill to automatically register men between a certain age for the draft and the suggested update that would include women.

It’s real, and a Blue vote could stop it.


Lara T, goose-stepping daughter-in-law of The Felon, suddenly concerned about democratic norms.

“Joe Biden has said he’s not going anywhere. His campaign came out right after that debate and said not only is he not quitting. They have committed to do the debate in September as well, which is shocking to hear. But Kamala Harris polls just about as bad, if not worse in a lot of cases, than Joe Biden. And so, they have a huge problem on their hands. If they remove Joe Biden from the ticket somehow and they do not have Kamala Harris as their nominee, and they try to plug someone else in, Maria, it is literally going against our democratic process here in this country.”

If, as this loon bleats, Kamala polls worse than Biden then why isn’t she all for Biden dropping out? Is it because she’s afraid Kamala would wipe the floor with her racist, rapist, traitorous con artist father-in-law?

PS I was hard-pressed to find a single picture of Lara T. where she doesn’t look like she’s on the verge of giving an oral argument.


Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader of the House, on this week’s SCOTUS ruling to protect The Felon:

“House Democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court to ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution.”

Just one more in a long line of reasons to Vote Blue; make Jeffries Speaker of the House and give Blue a majority and they will school the court.


Nancy Pelosi, on The Felon’s own issues with mental acuity:

“I want you to know I came home to California, south and north, and the people are for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They have some judgment about a person who stood on that stage and lied, lied, lied, if you’re just talking about the debate. I am respectful of some of the opinions that people have, but it is also respectful of the grassroots. My people are very much for Biden and Kamala Harris and this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina. By the way, there are health care professionals who think that [The Felon] has dementia. That his connection of his thoughts do not go together. It’s not only that he just lies. He doesn’t even know the truth. So if we’re talking about mental acuity, let’s be fair about it, I don’t think … that [The Felon] should be president of the United States.”

Case in point? Read on …


The Felon, talking utter nonsense at another rally of his;

“All they know is electric, they want electric army tanks, they want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn’t shining while you’re up in the air? Well, sir, those, you know that I told you there’d be problems, sir. No, they want electric everything every day. They want electric boats. The problem, the boats, they, they don’t float because the battery is so heavy. It sinks the boat. They say we don’t care. We want 'em anyway.”

Yes, if the sun isn’t out the planes can’t fly.

That’s the kind of leadership the GOP is trying to foist on America.


John Fetterman, on the talk of Biden stepping aside:

“That whole abandoned Biden thing—that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. I mean, if you are more inclined to vote for a Democrat or be a Democrat, if you’re willing to walk away from Joe Biden—you’re, by defecting, helping [The felon]. I had a difficult debate, and yet we still managed to go on to win [the election]. Now, everybody was calling that—that was the end of my career, that was the end of this race and everyone was predicting that I was going to lose actually by 2 points or more. And I smoked Oz by 5 points and that’s what I’m saying. It—it’s like one debate is not a career.”




  1. Kamala would wipe the floor with them, and she's not going to worry about dirtying her hands to throw them in to the trash.

    1. Love Lara's sudden interest in democracy when she's part of a traitorous klan.

  2. Watch a movie called "Bad Faith" - free on TUBI. It tracks the history of the White Nationalist movement from segregation to abortion. They did that because they knew they couldn't win on segregation, but by switching to anti-abortion they could recruit the religious right. They made that switch in 1978 - 5 years AFTER Roe. All brought to you by the same organizations that devised Project 2025.

    1. Hopefully people will see this, watch this, and read about Project 2025 because it's some scary shiz and it's the way the GOP is headed.
      Hopefully our election in November will be like Britains and the conservatives will get their asses handed to them.

    2. From your lips....

  3. Our election yesterday gave us the government we need for the difficult days ahead. I hope that yours in November gives a similar result as the world will be depending on y'all to keep Donald Duck on the farm pond, not in the White House.

    1. From your mouth to the voter's ears, Helen!

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      British conservatives took a drubbing, brought on by themselves. Sadly you still have Farage and the extreme Reform Party to contend with. No doubt they’ll throw wrenches in the works to try and ruin needed reforms in the UK. -Rj

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    the dog's mother
    I am of an age to remember
    the first time women and the
    draft was proposed. ak!
    xoxo :-)

    1. It's all a bit antiquated.

  5. Hmm, Iceland is successfully operating a rechargeable electric ferry boat to and from the Westman Islands, 100 cars and trucks, a full load of people. It recharges while being loaded and unloaded. Powered by geothermal generated electricity. It is smooth, quiet, and no diesel exhaust. I ferry boat fueled by volcanoes. If he would get his head out of his ass, and see something besides golf courses.

    1. But he's smarter than everyone else! 😂😂😂

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Trump the Chump would be idiotic enough to build a golf course on a volcano :/

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    If she had a face lift Lara Trump would have pubic hair on her chin and a knot of flesh on top of her head :) -Rj

  7. Diaper Don and his cabal have already telegraphed that they have opposition research on Kamala. You know it will be half-truths and twisted. The Republicans are ready to go full scorched earth. It speaks a lot to your argument if you have to cheat, steal, and go all batshit crazy on your opponent to win.

    1. Well, when you have done nothing in the four years you already served you can't even run on your accomplishments!

  8. Love the new header...I suppose it has been there for a few days and I hadn't noticed.
    I certainly wish the media would address his lies and dementia head on. Yes, Biden is old but one off day does not mean he's nearly dead. On the other hand, I'd be quite happy to see a black female president. Those Magats would lose their minds, even more than they have already.

    1. I agree that a woman, and a woman of color, will make the racist's heads implode, and I'm fine with that!

  9. I'm agreeing with whatever health officials are stating that trump has dementia, that speech on electric vehicles almost proves it. Batteries sinking the ships??? Lock him away in a rubber room already

    1. The man only rambles incoherently in his rallies and the cult eats it up; they should lock up the lot of them.

  10. I would not even deign to piss in The Orange Monster's mouth - even though he is portrayed in black and white. Next time round he would not only be screwing up America worse than he did before but screwing up the western world too. That's why voting blue in America is important to a limey like me. VOTE BLUE!

  11. Lara Trump's statement is so filled with irony that it's not even funny. Your header is perfect!!

    1. Lara T, to me, spouts the BS she spouts to stay in The Felon's good graces, and the will.

  12. I hope that after November the only thing we'll hear from the convicted felon is the sound of prison doors slamming behind him! I also hope that his family, his minions, the cabal in the House and Senate that kiss his ass, and all the MAGGOTS that have found their salvation in him return to the rocks they'd hidden under, shriver up and DIE! Or am I being too petty, sweetpea? xoxo

    1. Petty? Not at all.
      Hopeful? Yes, ma'am.


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