
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy 4th of July?

Sort of a repost from last year with a bit of new stuff tossed in …

Not a lot to celebrate this year, what with the Supreme deciding last year that women have no rights to their own bodies, and then deciding this year that racism in America is over so there is no need for Affirmative Action, or that The Gays can be discriminated against because of someone’s Faux Faith; deciding that bribery, er, gratuities, to government officials, is okay, but homelessness is a crime; deciding bump stocks, an  aftermarket product designed to make a semi-automatic rifle fire faster so you can kill faster, are okay.

But think of what could happen if all the people of color, who are once again being told they are less than, voted this year and next year and the year after? How would America look then?

And think of what could happen if all the women who are once again being told that they cannot make their own healthcare choices, even on birth control, voted this year and next year and the year after? Think of what life would be like then.

Then think of what could happen if all the LGBTQ+ people who are once again being told they are less than voted this year and next year and the year after? How would it feel to be equal in the eyes of your own country?

Think of what could happen if all the people who are allies of people of color and of women and of the LGBTQ+ community voted this year and next year and the year after?

Think on that and maybe next year, and the year after and the year after, the Fourth of July would be worth celebrating for ALL Americans.

Think of this  … Joe Biden will be fine if he doesn’t win the presidency but …

It’s women who won’t be,

It’s visible minorities who won’t be.

It’s LGBTQ+ Americans who won’t be.

It’s non-Christian religions that won’t be.

It’s th4e disable community that won’t be.

It’s the Middle Class who won’t be.

It’s the working poor who won’t be.

It’s the health of the planet that won’t be.

So …


  1. Gay-men to that, good sir. Keep on preaching the good word. Happy 4th.

  2. A day to contemplate America's future indeed.

  3. Happy 4th, to you and Carlos. Your words are spot on!

  4. A day for contemplation (and hopes and prayers?)

  5. Do try to enjoy your 4th ... Think 🤔 positively and vote Blue 💙🔵!

  6. Where I come from don't vote blue, vote tactically red or orange as necessary to get rid of the people who effed the country up. In our constituency the blue candidate is the man whose genius arranged for the whole country to be denied money for essential items like health, the courts, prisons, education, etc., etc.. Do NOT vote for him, although plenty of people will as this is true blue land.

  7. aussieguy10:42 AM

    I do vote BLUE, but living in a deeply red state (Indiana), I watch as our "leaders" continue to take the state in a totally fucked direction. But I will always vote Blue! Enjoy the (ahem) red, white & BLUE today!

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    the dog's mother
    I agree, enjoy your red, white and BLUE today!
    xoxo :-)

  9. After this week, the SCOTUS, who always seem to decide these things at the Fourth of July, I didn't know what mood I'd be in or if I'd hang a flag out this year. But I have to remember, it's alright to be patriotic for the deserves, it along with our servicemen....BUT the government and politicians need to earn it. Still waiting..... None the less, Old Glory is flying out front, right next to the Gay Flag!!!!

    Happy Fourth Boys!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Those bullies of our childhoods are trying to rule our country like they did our schoolyards.
    Don’t let this be our last Independence Day.
    Vote True, Vote Blue ! :) - Rj

  11. Have a good 4th, Bob. Don't worry, the Blue votes are coming, a whole sea of them.

  12. Enjoy your day. I have some faith that reasonable people will far outweigh the lemmings who are following IQ45 and the GOP.

  13. I have always felt that if all of us under attack and being told we're less than would Vote against the Party trying to take away our Rights... they wouldn't have a chance of ever gaining Power again.

  14. Yes to all of this and to all who think their one little vote couldn't possibly make a difference..IT WILL, so get out there and VOTE BLUE!!

  15. I cannot believe the Supreme Court. Their decision is beyond shocking. I don't believe the forefathers could ever have imagined someone like Trump becoming president. All of this has left me so sad. So, I will of course, vote BLUE. And I hope it counts. Because if that ASSHOLE wins, I really believe it is over for America, and we will have a moron spend the four years of his "presidency" seeking vengeance against every one of his enemies and once again, try to remain in the White House forever.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      The founding fathers had faith and trusted only fair minded people would sit at the Supreme Court, not a group of extremists hacks as we have with the gang of 6. :(

  16. Great post! I sure hope that there will be a blue wave in November.

  17. Vote and drag a friend along under each arm. Turn out will be the key.


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