
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Random Musings

Let's start with a little bragging. I am a very proud Smallville hubby today. yesterday Carlos recieved an award for his work in HIV Outreach-Education-Counseling.
I'm kvelling ovah heah.....

And now for a political joke sent in by a friend....
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him: "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
"She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat."
"I am," the man replied. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

Hot Men Alert:
Colin O'Donoghue. Captain Hook on Once Upon A Time.
Sam Palladio. From Nashville. Anmd he can saaang, too!

There is a certain writer who writes, well, badly, most of the time, and lies, well, all the time. On my blog she is called "She Who Will Not Be Mentioned" because she's not worthy of the attention.
And yet she gets it, most recently for writing a book about race, because she's a white woman and knows all about racism. But this week she also Twatted--which is what asshats do while the rest of us Tweet--and used a derogatory term to call the President.
The interwebz went into overdrive, but here's the rub:"She Who Will Not Be Mentioned" writes these books and Twats these thing for the attention, and many people fall right into it, talking her up and booking her on their chat shows.
If we really want "She Who Will Not Be Mentioned" to go away, just stop talking about her.
Even FuxNews will get tired of her antics.

The latest rumor floating around Hollywood is that Matt Bomer lost out on a chance to play Superman because he’s gay.
At least according to author Jackie Collins.
Who's Jackie Collins? 
She's Joan Collins' younger sister and writes craptastic novels.
Who's Joan Collins?
She fucked Warren Beatty in the 60s.
Who's Warren Beatty?
I'm'a stop you right there because this could go on all night. Let's just say that Jackie Collins, age unknown, has a new book to promote--she writes a lot about Hollywood because, um, I think she ate at Spago when Spago was hip--and is now saying that she knows for a fact that openly gay Matt Bomer lost out on that super role because, well, he's openly gay.
Jackie says Bomer “had not come out of the closet, but people in the know knew he was gay. His audition tape went in and he called up the agent. Someone didn’t like him and told [the producers] he was gay. They said, ‘No, no, we can’t cast you.’ The reason he didn’t get cast was because he was gay.”
Collins does not reveal her source, because, like her writing, it's all made up, and like "She Who Will Not Be Mentioned" she'd sell her soul for a few minutes of airtime.

Who knew?
Glenn Beck thinks Obama should be re-elected.

And so does the rest of the world......

I have a wack-a-doo sense of humor. I often say that I am like Sophia from The Golden Girls and I lost that part of the brain that censors speech. I will say just about anything, and, yes, every so often I say something meant to be funny, but it comes off rude and distasteful and I apologize for being offensive.
But, one area I don't ever find funny is the area of parents killing their children who come out as gay. Call me crazy, but I don't think murdering children tickles anyone's funny bone.
Or at least it shouldn't.
This is why Kristina Bui, the editor of the Arizona Wildcat, the student newspaper of the University of Arizona, has been apologizing for a cartoon which joked about a father killing his gay son:
"On Tuesday, the Daily Wildcat staff made a serious error in judgment in printing a cartoon that some readers felt was homophobic and inappropriate. We heard from several readers who expressed their disappointment and hurt over the comic strip.
The Arizona Daily Wildcat is now reviewing its editorial policies and has terminated the employment of the cartoonist as of Wednesday. His views do not represent the views of the Wildcat staff, nor does the Wildcat represent the views of the university.
The “etc.” cartoon in question illustrated a parent threatening their child if he ever came out, and the two characters joke about the threat. We agree with the criticism we’ve met, and we apologize. The comic was not funny."
Sad that it took publishing the cartoon, and the subsequent backlash, for anyone on the board of that newspaper to think that murdering a child simply for being gay is funny.

So, last week Puerto Rican boxer, Orlando Cruz made history by coming out as a gay man. And then he made history again last week when he beat out rival Jorge Pazos. He'd been nervous before the fight, expecting to be booed or jeered at, but most people in the crowd cheered him on and supported him: 
"I was very happy that they respect me. That’s what I want — them to see me as a boxer, as an athlete and as a man in every sense of the word. That was my moment, my opportunity, my event… And I won." 
And it may be only the beginning.
Cruz is hoping this victory will get him a shot at a bigger match in the near future: "This fight’s going to open my door for a world title fight. That’s my dream, my mom’s dream, my community’s dream and my team’s."
And, while he's out as a gay man, he's also out as a gay role model: "I’m only one person. I feel happy with where I am. I’m free. I’m more at peace."
Coming out is a beautiful thing.

So the Log Cabin Republicans endorsed Mittsy.
I wonder why.....
It's all been shrouded in secrecy; meetings at out of the wait farmhouses, secret handshakes, decoder rings.
Word has it that the LCR reached an agreement with Mittsy that, if he's elected, he would come out in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
Hard to believe because there aren't many more rabidly anti-LGBT politicians that Little Bully Romney, even harkening back to his days of cutting the hair of ALLEGED homosexuals.
But this is, again ALLEGEDLY, all being kept hush-hush so Mittsy doesn't anger his base of rightwingnut, bigoted, homophobic, religious zealot conservatives who might not vote for him if he even shows the slightest hints at being LGBT-friendly, or, as I think he'd prefer it, LGBT-adjacent.
But, I also wonder; Mittsy is such a prevaricator, how does the KLCR even know he'd keep that ALLEGED promise? I mean, isn't it just like Mittsy to get the endorsement and then give a big one-fingered salute to the LCR should he take the White House next month? OR ...... maybe he will support ENDA and he'll throw all those Religious Rightwingnut Conservatives, whose asses he's been rimming for months, under the bus.
Either way, anyone on their right mind who is gay, or gay-friendly, cannot possibly think that a Romney presidency will move us forward.

Hot Woman Alert:
Madeleine Stowe.
Victoria Grayson on Revenge. As I said on Facebook yesterday, I almost feel the need to turn in my Gay Card because of the huge crush I have on her.
Luckily, Homo HQ has given me the go-ahead for my crush as long as I keep it non-stalkerish and platonic.

Donald Trump's October "surprise" was another case of so-what from a snake-oil salesman with a dead rat on his head.
He promised to give $5 million to any charity if Barack Obama released his college records and applications, and his passport and applications.
As I said on another blog, I'll spend five-bucks on a Chick-fil-A sammich when Trump takes that animal carcass off his melon.
But, um, well, maybe there was another reason Trump picked yesterday for his October "Surprise."
The 'Apprentice' host has been fired....and by his own company.
Excuse me a sec....bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I’m back. The condominium board at Trump Place has quietly fired the Trump Organization from managing the pricey high rise on the Hudson River that bears its name, replacing The Dumbass, er, Donald, with AKAM Living Services, a management firm that has presided over luxury buildings at such high-end zip codes addresses as Central Park West, Fifth Avenue and West End Avenue.
And the move took the blowhard by surprise, according to real estate blog The Real Deal: “We certainly would have been willing to discuss the concerns of the board if they had contacted us,” Sonja Talesnik, general counsel for the Trump Organization, said. “They gave us no indication that they were looking to change managing agents.”
Anna Fishbeyn, vice president of the Trump Place board, disagrees: "We've been waiting for their services to improve for years. And when they didn't, we started investigating other services."
In other words, Donald, You're fired.


  1. So much to think about! First, major congratulations (and admiration) to Carlos! As for the rest, I love that hot air balloon story! Kudos to Orlando Cruz! I'm sorry, I just don't get Log Cabin Republicans. (Well, I'm NOT sorry!)

  2. Congratulations, Carlos! Fantastic!

    I have your same policy on She Who Shall Not Be Named. I'm not going to give that miserable excuse for a human being one ounce of my time or space. She's every bit as much an attention whore as is Trump, and I'm not going to play their childish game.

  3. YAYZ FOR CARLOS! making a difference in the world is kewl!

    the other dumbasses in your post (with the exception of orlando cruz and matt bomer) need to drop off the face of the earth.

  4. XOXOXOX to Carlos! :-)

    Poor Donald Trump - everyone rolled their eyes at his latest antics - pundits from both sides of the political aisle.

  5. Great Job Carlos!

    You are a good man.

  6. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Congrats to Carlos!

    I loved the joke, and you're excused for the Madeleine Stowe crush. I have the same problem with ScarJo.

  7. Congrats to Carlos! A well deserved award I'm sure.

  8. Bravo Carlos!!! Bravo!


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