
Friday, October 26, 2012

I Didn't Say It ....

President Obama, on Mittsy's shift from being a "severe conservative" to moderate:
"We've got to name this condition that he's going through. I think it's called Romnesia. That's what it's called. I think that's what he's going through. Now, I'm not a medical doctor, but I do want to go over the symptoms with you—because I want to make sure nobody else catches it....You know if you say if you're for equal pay, but you can't say if you'll sign a bill for equal pay, you might have Romnesia....If you say you think women should have access to contraceptive care, but you support legislation that would let employers deny contraceptive care, you  might have Romnesia.....If you say you you'll protect a woman's right to choose, but you stand up in a primary debate and say you'd be delighted to ban abortion in all cases, then you definitely have Romnesia. This extends to other issues...If you have Romnesia, here's the good news—Obamacare covers preexisting conditions. We can fix you! We can make you well."

What else is there to say? When he’s right … he’s right.

Jerrold Nadler, congressman from New York, and yet another strike-down of DOMA:
"Speaker Boehner has wasted more than a year, and more than $1.5 million taxpayer dollars defending DOMA. So far, he has lost five cases in a row as every court has ruled that there is no legitimate justification for this law. Every day, DOMA harms thousands of American couples and their children. Instead of wasting taxpayer money defending this unjust law in court, Speaker Boehner should join us in our effort to repeal it."

If you remember, Boehner said this whole mess would cost a million-and-a-half and he’s just about reached his limit.
Show of hands … who thinks Boehner will stop his anti-marriage equality goosestep now?

Seimone Augustus, a guard for the Minnesota Lynx in the WNBA, on marriage equality and proposing to her girlfriend:
"I felt like it was the perfect time for me, being on a platform where I can make a change with my voice and my situation. Maybe inspire someone else to come out and be comfortable with themselves. Or maybe someone else's parents will see my parents saying that it's OK to be with your child and love your child unconditionally regardless of your sexual preference."

First things first: Seimone? it's not a poreference. preference denotes choice and we all know it's not a choice.
Secondly: good for you for coming out, and good for you for proposaomng to you girlfriend.
Every day more and more folks come out, and every day more and more gay folks get married.
The tide is changing, and we need to keep that momentum going.

Walter De Vries, a longtime aide to George W. Romney, on Mittsy Romney:
"While that might make for some good post-debate spin, perhaps exploitation of his late father’s memory and dramatic television, the conduct of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is a far cry from the kind of campaign and conduct, as a public servant, I saw during the seven years I worked in George Romney’s campaigns and served him as governor.  But it is Mitt’s behavior during this presidential campaign that is distinguishing – and not those of his father at all. Since 2005, when he first decided to seek the presidency, his political posture and positions have shifted in erratic and startling ways, to the right, to the middle, to the right and shifting still. I’ve tried to track Mitt Romney’s shifts – some 180 degrees others 360 — on key issues during the campaign. I’ve stopped at 30: abortion, stem-cell research; climate change and global warming; campaign finance; and equal pay for women are just a few."

The man never met a position he didn’t embrace, regale against, and then embrace again. His father, and mother, would be so proud of their son, who doesn’t want to be president because he thinks he’s a good leader; he wants the job because it’s a nice capper to his resume.

Ellen DeGeneres, on a Mittsy presidency:
“Well, I am certainly hoping our president stays put. If you’re a woman, you should be very, very scared of that, for many reasons. And obviously as a gay person he doesn’t believe in me having the same rights, so of course I’m not happy about that.”

If you’re a woman, or if you’re gay, or if you’re middle class, Mittsy doesn’t care about you.
I mean, we all heard him say that, right? The 47% he doesn’t worry about?

Josh Mandel, Ohio GOP Senate candidate, opposes all LGBT equality issues, but wants The Gays to know he'll represent us:
"On the military side, I disagree with [DADT repeal]. As far as the decision here in state of Ohio, I’m a supporter of marriage between one man and one woman. I believe in traditional marriage. At the same time, I want you to know I will do everything I can to represent every single person in the state of Ohio — all 11 and a half million people. Regardless of their background, regardless of their socioeconomic background, regardless of their race, their religion or any other characteristic…I’m going to be blind to race, religion, any other type of orientation here in the state of Ohio and when I go to Washington."

He doesn’t want The Gays in the military, and he doesn’t want The Gays to get married, but he’s gonna fight for The Gays.
Only a Republican could say that with a straight--pun intended because Joshy has a bad case of Gay Face--face ….

Richard Mourdock, Indiana Senate candidate who has been endorsed by Mitt Romney, on pregnancy as a result of rape:
"I've just struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from god. And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."
And then he backtracked:
"God creates life, and that was my point. God does not want rape, and by no means was I suggesting that he does. Rape is a horrible thing, and for anyone to twist my words otherwise is absurd and sick."

Um, Dick? May I call you Dick because you are a dick? Your exact words: ‘when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended.
No one twisted it, you asshat. That’s what you said.
And gain, dear readers and voters, who would vote for such a wingnut? And who would support such a ….


  1. Listening to the news this morning and hearing that Hurricane Sandy may be the real October Surprise this election. Batten down your hatches!

  2. Josh Mandel is a total Shrimp Cunt. And that is the best thing I can think of to describe this bottom feeder. He represents the absolute worst aspect of humanity: a self serving, money loving whore. He would sell his mother to Gestapo if it meant a cash donation from Hitler.

  3. Josh Mandel is not gay. He's just prepubescent.

  4. Mandel makes me embarrassed to be a Jew.


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