
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Why Is It ...

… that people keep talking about the flu but the only thing I’m fighting these days is the urge to call out of work every single day.

… that staying to yourself and not bothering people bothers people.

… that no one understand that my posts are not directed at any one person, but if the shoe fits, wear it Cinderella.

… that whenever someone says, “I like your personality,” I always say, “Thanks. I have more.”

… that I don’t dust my house because I believe we come from dust and we return to dust and that dust on my coffee table might be someone I know.

… that no doctor will allow me to get my glasses prescription placed into my windshield.

… that I just realized that the reason Carlos is the perfect  person to gossip to is because he won’t tell anyone what I said since he wasn’t listening in the first place.

… that when people say I’m acting crazy, I have to remind them that I am not acting.

… that I’ve reached the age where I don’t need an alarm clock to wake me up; I have a bladder that does that.

… that I truly think I can generate electricity with how irritated I can get at times.


  1. The dust bit is so true, though there are times when I hate the fact that I have a crowd of people in my living room.

  2. Cleora Borealis10:50 AM

    πŸ‘ πŸ‘‘πŸ₯ΎπŸ‘ŸπŸ©΄ Oh, boy!! I can't wait to say "wear the shoe, Cinderella!" to all kinds of people!! The fact that it will confuse the hell out of many of those folks makes it all the more delicious!! πŸ€ͺπŸ€“πŸ€£

    1. The best part is the confuzzled looks on their faces!

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  4. And for those who are slow to catch on "Let me go in the back and see if we have that in the next size Cinderella."

    Will Jay

  5. That desire to call out of work was a feeling I lived with for at least 12 months prior to retirement. (And I did do so, about one every 4-6 weeks just because I could).
    Nice of Carlos not to listen while you share gossip. I'm that way with my daughter...and it peeves her to no end. :)

  6. The flu thing reminded me that to my knowledge I never had Covid-19.

    I also spent no time off work. We were essentially πŸ™ƒ

  7. I have never needed an alarm clock but these days I have a cat which is pretty much the same thing.

    1. We have a cat alarm, I have a bladder alarm, and Carlos has a phone alarm. Sleeping in does not happen!

  8. Oh boy, the bladder alarm and gossip. That’s me and us!

    1. My bladder alarm goes off at 6:56 AM!


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