
Saturday, February 08, 2025

Why Is It ...

… that one of my biggest flaws, when I ask someone their name, is that I forget to listen to what they say.

… that if you find me offensive, then I’d suggest you stop finding me in the first place.

… that y’all need to remember if Drunk Me said or did something rude and mean, you gotta take it up with Drunk Me. Don’t come at Sober Me; we weren’t there and we don’t know what happened.

… that the conversations I have with myself while I’m folding laundry are especially deep.

… that no automated messaging system realizes that I will press 0, and continue to press 0, until I get a representative.

… that you cannot text me once a day like I’m a vitamin.

… that one minute you’re young and fun and the next minute you’re turning down the car stereo to see better.

… that when a friend says to me, “Oh that’s so mean, I can’t say that,” I say, “Give me the phone.”

… that they call me 007 at work because I have 0 motivation, 0 skills, and take 7 bathroom breaks a day.

… that Facebook doesn’t let you laugh at a Friend Request.


  1. I've found that the # sign works better than pressing 0.

    1. Whatever ends the recordings.

  2. Thank you for the smiles!

    1. We all could use some smiles.

  3. So you ARE supposed to listen! I never knew that.

    1. I may have heard that, but then again I probably wasn't listening!

  4. These are funny, but I find it very difficult to believe that you are mean/rude to people and don't give a fuck about your job. You are a very kind person.


    1. Oh, I CAN be rude and I CAN hate my job, but for the most part I TRY to be kind!

  5. Anonymous10:31 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  6. Cleora Borealis11:35 AM

    🤣 Hubby loves hearing the beep every time he punches 0! Me? I rather enjoy screaming "!!" at the recording!! 📣
    And, Hubby is 12 years younger than me but acts like such an old geezer! I love the oldies station on the car radio and he'll turn it off when he's backing out of a parking space because he has to "see what's coming!" 🤪 I remind him "this is background music and it is not a distraction, it is vital!! Like at the movies. Anytime you have felt emotional at the movies, it wasn't the acting or the script. You were being manipulated by the background music!! Your driving, too, is enhanced by the background music!!" 🎶 By the time I finish my speech, we are out of the space and Hubby turns the music up, loud, to drown me out!! 🤭 Old married couple, amirite?! 🥰

  7. I heard a phrase the other day that reinforced my belief that what intoxicated people say is true.

    Drunk mouths reveal sober thoughts.

    I would say that is true.

  8. AHAHAHAHA! And no one tells you that after age 60, male or female, your bladder shrinks to the size of a walnut...

    1. That big??? I was thinking Pine Nut ....

  9. Good to know, I'm not the only one who cannot focus enough to remember the names of people I meet.
    I quit, many years ago, to allow drunk me out in public. It got pretty uncomfortable when sober me showed up later.

    1. I'm good with faces but names sometimes elude me!
      But drunk me should never get sober me in trouble!!!

  10. I never remember names either, unless I see that person daily for at least a week.


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